A Very Productive Day...

Jan 04, 2015 01:07

I got up this morning as I have for the last 2 weeks... late and not very motivated.  I moved pretty slow through the morning, doing my morning chores - a cup of coffee - feed the dogs - play on the iPad - cup of coffee - pill the dogs - cup of coffee - play on the iPad... And then I remembered what I needed to do today.  I needed to go to Dr. Sue's (Vet) and pick up food for Foster and refill some of the Prescriptions.  So I made the call to order the scripts and got myself cleaned up and ready to go.  Something about today was a little different... Instead of walking by the bed, I stopped and made it.  I walked into the kitchen and instead of putting my cup in the sink, I put it and the morning silverware in the Dishwasher, washed the dogs bowls out and put them away, filled Dollie's food container up.  Instead of throwing the recycles in the temp holding bin that's in the kitchen, I emptied the bin in the outside recycle can.  It was like that all day.  No shortcuts.  If I saw it needed to be done, I did it.  As I pulled out of the garage, I noticed Santa had piled some furniture on the curb for the trash pick-up.  Now I don't pull from Trash / dumpsters.  Well, Not for many, many years...  But I looked at it and the repairs on them didn't seem out of my skill set.  So... I threw them into the back of the Jeep and took them back home.

I headed to the Vet and picked up the food and Scripts.  I then headed to HallMark Salvage.  When I got there, I helped restock shelves.  I had brought the box to the fireplace heater for them to reuse if they wanted and to pick up some Laundry detergent.  But when I looked in one of the Carts and found a Snap-on LED work light - $24.99, Wire Baskets with slides - $19.99, Weather Station - $19.99, 12 cans of Nature's Domain Canned Dog Food - $8.28, 2 Galloins of Tide Detergent - $14.98... I think that's it.  $88.23 worth of stuff that should have been around twice as much.

They didn't need the box, so I just bought my stuff and headed out to my next stop - Prime Pickens!  Where I bought something a little odd and cool.  It's in the picture with patio furniture.  It's a hideaway bar end table.  I bought it for $20.  Marked down fro $25 because it wouldn't stay down.  You could push the box down, but it would ust pop back up.  But I thought I could fix it... And After I brought it home, I did.  I haven't figured out what I'm going to do with it yet, but I'm sure I'll figure it out.

Once I got home, I spent the rest of the afternoon in the Garage working on projects. That is after I walked into the house and saw a Dollie Rainy Day Special... That's where Dollie is soaking wet because she's been laying out in the rain and then comes in to track Mud all over the place.  So the First thing I did was wash the dog beds and spot clean mthe carpet in the Media room.  Thank Goodness I put the gate up before I left.  I started cleaning the Orange Recliner that is being stored in the garage.  I plan to bring it upstairs at some point and I felt it should be cleaned first.  I pulled the White Fridge out of the work bench and replaced it with the black one I brought home from work.  I secured it in and then went to deal with all the ice build-up in the White Frdge.  Then I cleaned it up and prepared it for it's trip to work.

After dinner, I was relaxing when I heard one of the pictures in the media room hit the floor.  I went downstairs and rehung the picture.  Then... I mounted the Fireplace Heater to the wall.

And that's where I stopped.  I really needed to catch my breath and get everything documented.  Ton's of stuff done and I feel accomplished.  It's been a long time since I had a day like that.  I'm hoping to have a whole lot more of them!  You see, I've decided It's going to be a great year.  Yes there will be some bad moments.  And definitely some devastaing times, but I am determined to make the most of my time and make good things happen this year!

purchases, repurposing, 2015, to-dones

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