Back yard Rehab ... in pictures...

Jun 20, 2014 13:52

I finally found an iPad App that I could do a rough rendering of my back yard,  So I did a before and after picture.  The before is more or less where I started this spring.  I thought it best for me to have some sort of plan.  And that's basically what I'm going to use this for.

Here is the before:                                                                                                  AFTER:

Cool thing is, I have been working on the upper left side of the yard.  I have put the the wall infront of the 3 legostrums.  I connected the big island's borders to the fence (one of the first things I did).  But I accidentally put it in the before picture.
  1. Starting from the left side - I have 3 crape myrtles and a plum tree.  It has a brick border up to the plum tree and then it stops.  the 2 fence sections between this area and the big island is used as an oversized gate for the camper to get in and out.  since I am moving that gate to above the big island, I plan to connect the 2 areas.  Then put a trench with a drain system all down the fence line, then fill with soil and mulch.   I hope to connect the drain to the pipe that is already there that goes to the street.  This should help with the run off from Lyon's yard.
  2. Enlarging the big Island to encompass a lot of the dead spots in the yard caused by the tree canopy and dead soil (fire ant mound remnants).  I also wanted to make the deck a little closer to the fire pit - which I'm raising up  Also it will help with the sweet gum spikey balls that litter my back yard and are a pain when stepped on.  The  roof above the back of the platform will be a nice addition.  I would like to make it big enough to get the camper under it... but that's more of a hope than a going to.
  3. I am replacing all the yard timbers with bricks.  they last longer, look better and attract a lot less destructive bugs - Carpenter Ants, Termites, Carpenter Bees, etc.
  4. Enlarge the Shed and the driveway area
  5. Take down the nearly Dead Black walnut tree
  6. Realign the trees on the right.  Install the Spirea from the front.  Move the azalea to a better spot.
  7. remove the walkway of pea gravel and yard timbers on the right side of the yard.  it isn't shown, but it's there.
  8. Down in the right side of the yard is another plum tree.  it is sick.  it is crowded by 4 crape myrtles and bad drainage.  I plan to move 2 of the Crapes - one to the front yard and one to the back left corner of the house.  this should allow me to drop a drain pipe in under the little walkway (which needs raising).  Then connect that walkway to a new walkway that leads to the front driveway.

project plans, back yard, project yard rehab, landscaping, 2014

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