Health Goals - 2014

Feb 24, 2014 14:29

I say this every day of every month of every year... I want to be healthier,  But I never do anything about it.  Well this year I'm giving it more of a try than I have in a long while.  So I joined the Shape Up program at work.  And they are encouraging us to be a little more mobile and make healthier choices.  I've made a few rules of my own as well, Of  course you did Annie!  And here they are...
  • Drink more water: -  I drink zero water.  Almost always have.  That needs to change.  I now take a bottle of water to work and drink it before I get to work.  I then fill it before I leave and drink that before I get home.  That means if I don't drink any more water than that, minimally I would be getting 32 ounces a day.  Folks that a big deal.  Hopefully as this grows into a habit, the amount will go up.
  • Eat less carbs / More Protein: -  I eat so much processed sugar it's really not funny.  So I got all the cookies and cakes out of the house.  I stopped buying Eskimo Pies / Little Debbies / Krispy Kremes.  I  am buying more of the Multi Grain Breads for Breakfast.  I am boiling up the Eggs for a take-away Breakfast.  More Fruits and Veggies than not.  Better Choices.
  • Less Soda and when I do, I'm going with the sprite.  I'm trying to back away from the Aspartame.
  • Get back to batch cooking for Portion Control.
The Shape Up program is counting steps.  Thing is the Pedometer that they gave us sucks.  so I bought a Fitbit Zip Wireless Activity Tracker It will track and upload the info so I don't have to.  I'm pretty excited about it.

I'm also going to do something I have not done on other weight loss entries... I'm going to put my weight on the update pages.  Now I've been doing this for a a little bit and I will put my beginning weight and current weight.  I actually weigh myself every morning so I know what my progress (or lack of progress) is.
Beginning Weight :  236.5
Today's Weight    :  229.5

I know it was down 3 more pounds early last week... but I ate the house this week.  I'm better now.

As for goals, I have one.  I would love to be 150 pounds.  If I get there WAHOOOOO!!!!!.  but I'm realistic.  Right now I'm just shooting for 190.  It was where I was just before Lucy started going downhill.  My back didn't hurt so much, my arm circulation was the best it had been in years, my energy level was way up... And I could actually Breathe.  So that's my first goal.  if I can get there, I can move the bar a little more in 10 pound increments until I reach the ultimate.  You know what they say... Slow and Steady win the race!

health, weight loss plan, 2014

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