Now it's not my tool box that I use everyday. It's a Tool box I found for $16 at Prime Pickin's. As it is right now, no I wouldn't use it. But if I beautify it, clean it up and make it pretty... maybe It will be a nice addition to the garage workshop area. Here are the Before Pictures:
You see, I have an affinity for boxes and containers of all sorts. I am a sucker for them. I saw this one and said "YEAH! this is Cool!" Then I got it home and Not having a clear vision for it, I shoved it in the garage and piled junk on it. It looks like something made in shop class. Which is not a bad thing, I'm just saying it wasn't a mass production, "Amish" or Craftsman built box. And after a real good look at it, I didn't see the special in it. Yet. But knowing me, I can make it special.
I worked on other re-purposing projects (Lucy Memory Box, Grill Table, Cooler Table) and I got my creative juices flowing. I decided I needed to do something with this box because I was tired of tripping over it. I put it front and center on the work bench so I couldn't avoid it. I looked at it every time I walked to and from my car. I kept thinking... thinking ... thinking ... What can I use this as? and then it hit me - A TOOL BOX! I just needed to make it special. And I looked back on what it wasn't... I wasn't built by a Craftsman. Take a look at this:
Not the blue bucket, but the Red Tool Box Cabinet. It was built by Craftsman. it has that signature Red paint and chrome/steel accents. That is a good looking cabinet! And the Tool Box would look really good if it were Red with Chrome/steel accents too! Maybe with a Handle on the top and cushioned feet to keep it from scraping the bottom. If I were to keep it, I would keep my Cordless tools and the extra blades in it. Or I could sell it. Either way, The box will be utilized and out from under my feet.
So I've started painting and I'm sorry, I'm not sure why my pictures are coming out so crappy... But here is a preliminary view: The Handles from the side are being painted chrome - I have to wait a couple days before I can put them back on. Well, all the paint needs to cure before I do anything to it.