Jun 24, 2013 12:35
Boy Howdy! This was a ruff weekend. I did pick up the camper. The good news there is that all the lights work. If I gather all the parts for the hitch, the Jeep and the Camper... they will put the hitch together properly and adjust it for a much better ride. Also if I take the Sway Bar to them, Zeb Junior will fix it with some welding! So that's pretty awesome. The ride to Al's was uneventful and everything worked like a charm! The Jeep had no issues and everything still works. So the $1500 I spent on repairing it was well worth it.
It is sitting there at Al's and he will be tied up going back and forth to China so I should be able to get in and out of there pretty easy. After doing that I went home and started working in the back yard before I went to get my nails done. Who knows exactly what I did ... I was all over the Yard and house on Saturday. I do know that after I got my nails done, I went home and Mowed the back yard. Sunday, I spent the morning cleaning off the Back Patio. I was going to repaint the white furniture, but I decided to let it keep it's rustic charm. I arranged all the furniture on the patio and then pulled the directors chairs out of the Garage and placed them in the Deck Box. So I made a little room in the garage! I started work on the Cat Trough. I'm not overly pleased, with the result, but I think Bella will like it.
I finally said enough was enough on the Rebar removal project in the back yard. I went to HD and bought Reciprocating Saw blades and Now I am just digging till I hit rock and then Cut the Re-Bar. the Walkway removal Process is going a lot faster now... with a lot less pain in my back!