Even though you mentally know that the opinion of others don't matter... It really does?
I pretty much don't care what people say. I have always followed the beat of my own drummer. I don't try to please many people. I don't try to do what others deem "Cool". I figure out what I think is "Cool" and then go for it. I try to live up to my own expectations, not the expectations of those around me. Family and very close friends... those opinions are the ones that matter. And remember, I come from a very small family and the "Very Close" friends are considered family. Because family can say anything they want because you have to forgive them . You love them no matter what because they will always be family.
Well, I actually let someone who is an acquaintance effect me more than she should have been allowed to. My bad. I shouldn't have let her get to me. But I did. I shut down my momentum of getting things done - (de-cluttering, organizing, repairs and projects) and let them be classified as "Dumb Home Improvement Projects". I stopped documenting my progress, because I let someone make me feel it was trivial. Funny thing is, I know it's trivial to others. I wasn't doing this for others. I was doing this for me. And the one person who I felt was being negative, never really said anything negative. So I made that leap on my own. And I let it creep into my head and I gave up.
Well, I am trying to pick up that momentum again. It's hard, because now I just want to go play. I was hoping I'd be a little farther along on the progress towards the home I had been trying to achieve: Organized, Uncluttered, Clean and a little more grown up & put together. So, I'm not quite there. But I think I'm getting back on track.
The front Yard has been kicking me in the ass lately. The weeds, front steps, crazy overgrown plants, the mailbox and of course the broken driveway... are all huge daunting projects that need to be tackled. And as much as I would like to have them all done all at once... I need to just attack it one at a time. And I have been. Though each time I get something done, I break 2 other things. Powerwash the Front porch - Tear up the wood and the window screens. Pressure wash the gutters - tear up the O ring in the pressure washer - then go to 3 hardware stores before finding the part. It's a little bit hard to pick up any momentum at this rate. But I'm trying. Maybe if I list out what I've gotten done so far it might help... Let me give it a whirl...
As you can see from the previous post, I have almost completed the porch stairs. They should be good to go for another couple of years. I hope to then at least have enough money to get someone out here to rebuild it with composite decking and then it'll be a Done deal! yes I can do it myself... but I really don't want to.
- Mail Box & Post - DONE
- Weeds in the yard - addressed
- edging - DONE
- Front Steps - DONE almost
- Side Yard - Lyon's Side - TRIMMED by Al
- Dead bushes removed - DONE
- Front Bed Weeded - DONE
wow... that's a lot more done than I had thought. There is still a bunch to do and I will get there... One project at a time. Maybe I will document, maybe I won't. People who were following what I was doing on Facebook, know where this blog is. So I will document here and maybe I'll let people know occasionally on Facebook... or maybe not.