Cache #1765...

Aug 01, 2012 20:54

 Annie! found 
 Walkers Welcome

Wednesday, 01 August 2012Georgia

Had made a caching date with GeoKnitter cause well... I needed to get out of the house after spending all day locked up with dogs all hopped up on Coffee! Plus If I looked at one more number... I was going to go all "Accountant" - You know like going postal but with spreadsheets. So Wednesday's are like my nights out. And what better way to get away than to do some TexasPete Caches. So we stopped by the area so GKF could do Monkey Madness and this was the next closest cache for me - since I had done all the TP302's caches within 5 miles. 
We decided to walk the .55 mile way in and get some much needed exercise. So we huffed it in commenting on all the cool and different trees there are in here. And then there was the big debate about how some oddball trees just pop up if the area is left alone... And then the conversation turned to how when flies get stuck in the car and go from Flowery Branch to like lets say Norcross is like the fly just woke up in Canada or.... Viet Nam.

Anyhoo. We got to the cache area without any incident, that is until just as I was putting my GPS away so I could start looking... GKF hollered she had found it. And then....

I shoved her down the hill.


found smiley, geo-camping

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