Just a few things and not as much as I wanted... Lets see I -
- spent time with the babies.
- took the book case upstairs.
- vacuumed probably 4 dogs worth of hair out of the house.
- cooked dinner and lunches for the next week.
- All the laundry is done.
- 2 bathrooms out of 3 got cleaned.
- started working on my office.
- fixed my "Blessed Mother" Medal necklace.
- ordered the replacement canopy
- figured out what to get my brother and sister-in-law for christmas
- finished sending out emails to new gga members from going coastal - 75 emails / 30 responses
- went to IKEA & My Favorite Place (where I got fabric for the Camper)
- shopped for a laptop that I can't afford
- cleaned Lucy's ears everyday for a week trying to got rid of her ear infection
- brushed a mountain of hair off of her with the furminator - I do have pictures of that pile
- shredded a mountain of paperwork from my office.
- did my coke points
- put all the receipts from the basket into the receipt spreadsheet.
- put the new hiking stick medallions on my hiking stick
- Got a new Moleskin notebook - though it's a fake, but it wasn't as expensive.
- cleaned out the refrigerator... I can't believe I had stir fry sauce that expired in 2005 still int he fridge...
- cleaned the back yard
- gathered all the trash - but not as much as the Griswalds across the street. They are mounding up all their trash on the curb outside. Which I don't think the trash company is going to take... They didn't take it on Trash day Tuesday when the pile was smaller.
A whole bunch more, but my list is upstairs. I'll update this list later... Now - I'm going to fold the rest of the clothes so I can put the laundry away. See ya.