Wanted... Whooooooosh!!! that movie kicks into high gear and never slows down. I am glad I did turn down the bass the heartbeat pounding would have made the vase fall off the shelf. Not mine the movie's. yes my vases, not my heartbeat pounding. Kaaaappppeeeesh.
funny moment... this whole thing about bending a bullet's trajectory... Well I kind of accepted it (because it's a movie and it's a plot point). but when Angelina stands in front of the pig to add pressure for him to actually bend the bullet... I freaked out when they showed the bullet in slow motion.
"That is impossible!" Because he shoots with his right hand - the bullet crosses in front of her from the left and then shifts to the right. So in essence it shifts from right to left and left to right. NO WAY!!!
Then I remembered... it's a movie.
It's got humor and action with a pretty good story line and a darn good ending.
thumbs up y'all.
Review over.