Dec 02, 2008 09:03
and just sitting down to dinner - pepperoni and mushroom pizza, When I get a phone call. I look at the caller ID and it looks like it sounds like a name I know (but its not)... So I answer it. Big mistake. It's a volunteer for the democratic party and they want to speack with A_Nord. I say no she can't come to the phone... She just sat down to dinner. He apologizes and hangs up. About half way through my second slice the phone rings again. Nope, don't know them... I have an idea.
"May I speak with A_Nord"
"What is this in reference to?"
"I am so and so with the democratic party..."
and here I go!
"You know what! I am sick to death with these phone calls from the democratic party! One I understand. Two well you're pushing it, but I'll let it go. But 47 calls from you people is excessive! I decided if I got one more call from you guys I was going to vote Republican! Guess what? You win! You have won the blame! If your candidate loses by 1 vote... You can carry that burden for as long as you live! what is your name again? I want to be sure when the media asks "How could he have lost?" I can give it to them and tell them why."
Not sure when he hung up, but I didn't get anymore calls from them.
It may not have stopped them from calling me, but I felt better.
aggravating stuff