Nov 05, 2008 08:20
Last night was a momentous and historic event in American History. We as a country have moved closer to a place where color isn't an issue. It (color) hasn't been for me and I am sure it will always be for some people... but the big picture is moving towards a techni-color one. And for that I am proud of what happened last night.
I am scared - truly frightened because the man that the american public elected is not qualified... by his resume, his associations and his own prejudice to be president. He is a great communicator and he tells everyone what they want to hear. Most people voted for him for the wrong reasons - for the color of his skin or because they hate this administration so much. The American public in general are a bunch of sheep, that want everything right now and with as little effort as possible. And that is what was promised to them.
the biggest fear is that the house, senate and presidency is now all controlled by the liberal democrats. There is no checks and balance. In these tumultuous times, it is pretty scarey to operate with out a safety net. Now I just think we will be running around with scissors... just waiting for the accident that is sure to come.
I will try to be optimistic. I hope I am completely wrong. for all our sakes.