Let the FTFer's Fur Fly: Cache #1495...

Aug 18, 2008 21:38

I pulled a Johnnie.

I went and found a new cache first ... signed the log... and didn't claim it on line.

Let those First to Finders Have at it now.  Beatin' feet to get to it and claim the first to find.

And it's already taken.


  Slayerette found Sunshine Island (Traditional Cache)     I have been lately trying to get myself out of the house and moving around after work. I need the exercise and the all the todos of a house can get to you after a while. You know what they say... "NO play makes slay gray." OK I don't think THEY say that, maybe its more like "No play makes slay even meaner." Yeah I think that's it.
So I am looking at this cache, waiting to see who would find it first, checking it periodically during the day... And no one claims it. I think that's very odd. Since it's only about 5 miles from my house, I decide to take the Dollie Llama aka Java_dog out for a cache hunt. We hit our first obstacle - the gate - I made some calls and actually had some huge luck and made it through. Then we headed towards the island... almost the hard way, so I guess we could say the semi-hard way. Got our feet wet crossing the semi-lake to make it over to the island. There we encounter 2 guys in their bathing suits, soaking wet, carrying a brief case. I thought that was quite odd... and we aren't in California where something like that would totally be normal. This is Georgia... And no respectable hillbilly or redneck would be caught dead with a brief case or a speedo, much less both.
So I keep my rearview eyes on them while Dollie Llama snarls and glares menacingly at them. They watched me go in the woods and then high tailed it out of there. We searched and searched... and she ... errr ...uhhhh...I mean WE finally came up with it. Dollie asked me to sign it for her cause her paw hurt so I did. We took nothing and left nothing and started to head back for the car. We took some extra time in the Semi-lake where dollie got to cool her feet and belly and get a drink... I just stood there and Well, just sweated.
Now the Dollie Llama hasn't been caching in a while but she bounced right in line and was a trouper. She was pretty happy to get back to the car I know that. The one thing that works great in geo-Otie is the A/C and she rode all the way back in the front seat with all the vents pointed at her. funny thing is, I didn't move the vents... Hmmmm, I'm thinking she could have signed her own log - the big faker!

Thanks for the afterwork adventure.

Also, your coords were off by 100 feet and it's terrain rating needs to be upped to at least a 2, because of the water and hills... When the water fills up you'll need to up it to a 5.Here is Dollie's First to find Log!!!!

  Java_Dog found Sunshine Island (Traditional Cache)     Yes indeed I did locate this cache ahead of the others. But hey it's close to the house. I wanted to get my feet wet since I haven't cached in a while. Slay followed along hollering about mud and stickery things "Waaaaaah Waaaaaah!" Big Baby. If you just paid attention to where I told you to go, you wouldn't be all cranky.

I can't take her anywhere.

found smiley, geo-caching

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