Jun 22, 2008 05:47
Those who know me know I am accident prone, especially with sharp objects. Yes I had a lapse in judgement. So lapse that I can't even tell you what I did... It was incredibly stupid. But needless to say, I nearly cut the top of my middle finger off on my left hand. I probably should have gotten stiches. But the cut was really clean, I didn't want to pay for it aaand I didn't want to go. I held it really tight in a paper towel over my head till the bleeding kinda stopped and I put a butterfly bandage on it. Then I put pressure on it again.
I didn't want stitches again. it would be the third time. I just couldn't do it. Yes I took a picture. No I'm not sure you can tell what it is. Because it came out blurry and I won't take the bandage off. I'm afraid it will open again. But trust me, it hurts.