I got a webcam for christmas and it's been sitting in my office on the shelf since then. Last week I came across some software that sounded like it would be handy.
It's called Libra. It is a cataloging sofware like Apple's Delicious.
Here is the description of it...
Libra is a beautiful library software to manage your Books, Music, Movies and Games. You can track items you have lent out, or tag them with meaningful terms to organize them effectively. Libra can import your items from other applications, or scan them from either your webcam or any barcode scanner (including CueCat). Once you have built your collection, you can print out beautiful catalog pages of all your items.
Now I have a large collection of DVD's... at one time it was around 600. Not sure what it is now since I have cut back on my purchases and sold quite a few I didn't like or would never watch again. I have a very large access database that I created years ago when I was unemployed. It has actors, directors, year released, rating, box type, an image of the case or poster, genre and dates viewed. It is a pain to keep up with, but handy. I thought I would try this new software out and see if it makes my life super better.
I tried to load the webcam up last night. My usb is too slow, apparantly I need a 2.0 usb thingee. whatever. I can see my ugly mug on the screen so it works. I think I need to hook up a skyype thing to make video calls. And I need to figure out how to hook up the webcam to Libra.
But Last night I was done messing with it.
Maybe I'll call my Mom and find out how she set up hers and at least half of the problem will be solved.