Feb 13, 2008 08:04
I know that Rebel was not one of my absolute favorite people. But He and I had come to an understanding over the last couple of years. Where I didn't have a problem with what he was trying to do, it was the method and manner I took offense to. At the pinnacle of our very public "disagreement", I reached out with an offer to talk it out. He jumped at the chance... He probably would have approached me first, because it was more his style to try and calm things down, but frankly I don't think he really wanted to poke the bear (me) any more than he had too and didn't know how I would receive the offer.
We talked for about 2 and half hours about the whole situation. And we truly had a meeting of the minds. He finally understood why I was so hot under the collar - that it was never personal it was a question of right and wrong - and I understood what he was trying to accomplish - an organized geocaching group that would make a difference not a social club disguised as one. When we hung up the phone we had reached a middle ground where we had pushed aside our anger and dissappointment with each other. He knew that I would back him when felt he was in the right... And on many of occassions I did just that.
For all of Rebel's faults (which was no more than any of ours) he was a good guy. He gave a lot to the GGA and geocaching ... and for it we are very lucky to have known him. This was so sudden and I am still in shock. The last time I saw him it was in December at the Wanna go Holiday Party. Though I do remember he did not look his dandiness, he was still as curmudgeony as always. He and I teamed up to keep stealing the emergency roadside kit to keep the white elephant game going and to make people laugh. I was also surprised I hadn't heard from him after doing his cache on Saturday. It just wasn't normal for him. He would always drop me a note to thank me for doing his cache and ask me what I thought of it or make fun of my log entry.
Good bye Ed. I hope you have found the peace you have been searching for. Thank you for the hours of fun and the years of friendship (no matter how difficult either of us made it). God Speed. Rest Assured you will be the topic of conversation around many a camp-fires in the future... Which I know makes you smile.
sad news