Here is my log for the cache I did yesterday (saturday). It explains everything.
Slayerette found
For Whom the Bell Tolls (Traditional Cache) Out an about on a blustery winter morning. My plan was to drop the dogs off at the "Spa" aka Groomer and then head to Gainesville College to do some caching. But I had the wrong "Spa" day - It's next Saturday - and It's snowing. Not a big deal for me... The snowing that is, I'm from Kansas and I learned to drive on this stuff when I was 14. So I take the dogs home and head back out, collecting coke bottles on my way there. (29 by the way).
I found this one without much trouble. But I'll tell ya, I liked it. Not too hard - (for a cold, wet, snowy day), Nice size container, not destructive to the property. Good Job. I dont' like the fact of the signs all over saying permit parking. But being a Saturday, I didn't feel to worried. I tried to hit the other 2 caches, but the snowfall got heavier and I thought I should head back home. With all those drivers out there who have never seen snow, I felt it was safer for me to be home then trying to navigate the roads with them.
Thanks for the cache. Bet you didn't think you would ever get a found it log this long huh? Sorry.
I found 29 Coke product bottle (with caps) tossed on the side of the road. Heck I found one of them while trying to locate the second cache, It was behind a brick wall where I was searching. Kinda Handy. I threw them all in a trash can in my car and on my way home, I stopped at the recycling center and dumped the bottles after removing the tops. Not a bad haul. I think I will start taking pictures and keeping track of what I remove for CITO purposes.