Nov 22, 2007 15:39
Its been awhile since I've spent the Thanksgiving holiday or any major holiday alone - but with my friend Bill passing away this summer and Katie having moved out to be with her GF full time it may be the norm for sometime to come. In any case I'm determined that I'm not going to sit and feel sorry for myself or let being lonely mar the day. Since I'm going on midnight shift tomorrow night having a fair quantity of leftovers is no problem either. Time saved on cooking then can go to something really useful like sleep. So, I went digging in the freezer and came out with a roughly 12lb. turkey and a frozen apple pie - with plenty of dressing, gravy, and some sweet potatoes to go with the bird a more or less traditional meal is in the offing. Certainly smells good at this point. Plans for the rest of the day after dinner are certainly not ambitious - once the food is put away and the dishes done I'm going to kick back with a good book. Tomorrow I'll strip the carcass and what doesn't get used for sandwiches and meals while I'm on midnights will become soup stock.
Anyone else care to tell how they are spending the day?