Monday morning struck like a hammer.
That's what Kyouichi was thinking as he started in the ill fitted booth. He stretched his neck, heard a 'pop' and shouted "What time it it?" into the dark Ramen shop.
"You're late."
Kyouichi cursed as he snatched his bokken, grabbed $6 out of the register, ran through the side door and down the nine blocks between him and school.
Hiyuu opened his eyes at 7. He muttered into his pillow, scratched his head, and lifted out of his bed. Slipping out onto to his patio, Hiyuu glanced around for anyone watching, bent his knees and shot off into the sky. He counted slowly to twenty as the wind violently whipped by him. As he reached twenty-three the wind quelled and became cooler around him. Reaching thirty he slowed himself to a stop and looked down at the green island surrounded by water. He smiled, stretched, glanced around for planes and tipped himself downwards.
Back at home he took a shower, ate a light breakfast, scanned his homework and promptly locked his door twenty minutes before needing to be at his stop.
The train was on time. Hiyuu sat and grew bored. He lifted his head to look at the other passengers and was greeted by a chorus of girlish giggling. He turned and waved at a clump of five girls near his age. They laughed harder and turned away. He wasn't sure if that had gone well.
The opposite side of the train revealed a very young girl in pigtails sitting backwards and staring at him intently. He smiled and waved; she cocked her head to the side and made a funny face. Hiyuu laughed aloud. The girl smiled while hopping out of her seat, walking down the aisle, and planting herself next to her new friend with great finality.
"My name's Triya, what's yours?"
The girl giggled. "That's silly."
"Oh?" Hiyuu looked mock-sad. "I guess so. Is your mommy or daddy here?"
"Yeah, momma's still back there!" Triya said while motioning towards the back of the train.
"She was at the last stop?"
"Uh huh, and now I wait until the loud lady says 'Tribute Avenue' and then..." Her hands made a big deal of this. "There's my grandma again!"
Tribute Avenue was seven stops away, four further than the stop for school. Hiyuu kept her company until they heard the loud lady's voice.
"That's it! That's it! We're here! Let's GO!" Triya said grabbing Hiyuu's hand and rushing into the taller crowd. Hiyuu shut his eyes and did his best to keep his thumb in her tiny palm as she darted needlessly left and right.
At the entrance an elder woman waited patiently until Triya's high pitched voice called out. The woman called back until they found one another. A short introduction was made, and an attempt at politely leaving turned into Hiyuu promising to take the train everyday and look for his new friend.
Hiyuu turned to watch his train leave for the next stop, looked at his watch, and glanced around for a tall building to hide behind.
Kyouichi skidds to a stop in front of his locker, snatches his white uniform shirt out of it, and runs to Maria's room.
He slows his steps and breathing as he approached the door. Inching his face near the window, Kyouichi looks in and sees Maria's back as she writes on the board. He quickly ducks under the window and looks at the class from the other angle.
Two girls near the front see him and giggle. Kyouichi makes a neck-cutting gesture, and dropps to the floor in time for Maria to see no one. Maria yells at the two to pay attention and continues.
Kyouichi raises his head and signalls to the girls who were now ignoring him. He waves at Aio but she only looks at him sadly. Diago flipps him off, and the guy with the tall afro gives him a thumb's up but nothing else.
Kyouichi clenches his hands and nearly punches the door when Hiyuu glances at him then back at the board. Kyouichi takes a deep breath and gathers all his persuasive expressions into the single most pathetic and endearing puppy-dog face he's ever concocted and locks eyes with Hiyuu, who was looking away.
For five seconds Kyouichi doesn't think it will work. Finally Hiyuu glances over at thim, rolls his eyes, and the shelf in the back of the room collapses loudly.
Maria stomps to the back of the room screaming about hooligans and the generationally-based depletion of respect as Kyouichi slipps in the room and takes the empty desk next to Hiyuu.
Kyouichi nods once at Hiyuu as everyone marvels at the sudden lack of book support. Maria checks the screws in the bottom.
I guess we're ok then.
Selfish idtio Asshole. Hiyuu simmered under the half-assed thanks as his ex confidently took the seat next to him. He's probably late because he woke up in someone else's house...
Hiyuu swallowed the conflict and took notes when he ought, never turning his head from the front.
Kyouichi tried not to fall asleep. Failed.
The next three classes went slowly and without mention. Thirty minutes before lunch Kyouichi took orders and made a call to the Ramen shop. By lunch time he had skimmed $5 for himself. He waited next to the fence with two steaming bowls, wondering where is he?
Hiyuu landed on his balconey thirty seconds after lunch began. He went to his fridge, took a jug of strawberry milk out and drank from the spout. What can I throw toegether in 45 minutes?
Kyouichi sat in the history room, seven minutes early for class. He glanced up as the door opened, only to quickly nod with dissapointment at the random girl. He's usually early.
Hiyuu was finishing his rice, eggs, and tea when he realized he had three minutes. He left his plate, grabbbed his bag, shut and locked his balconey door, skimmed for people and zipped behind the gym.
The Bell rang loudly as Hiyuu walked into the room. Kyouichi had taken a seat toward the back with an empty desk in front of and behind him. Hiyuu sat at the desk furthest forward and to the left. There was no empty seat near him.
Kyouichi glared at the blue back of Hiyuu's head. He scrawled a note, ripped off the small piece, balled it up and tossed it onto Hiyuu's desk.
The tiny ball skittered to a stop. Hiyuu unballed it -You weren't at lunch.
Hiyuu rolled his eyes, wrote on his notebook and held it up for everyone behind him to see -I went home.
Another crumbled ball -I got you soup; it's in my locker.
Hiyuu didn't respond.
Another crumpled ball- Do you want it later?
Hiyuu wrote angrily- No, quit throwing things at me.
The other students laughed and Hiyuu smiled.
Another crumbled ball, but Hiyuu simply flicks it off his desk.
At the end of class Hiyuu leaves quickly and the teacher makes Kyouichi pick the eight balled pieces of paper off the floor.
Kyouichi was annoyed and being ignored. Hiyuu was facing away from him, rearranging which books went in his bag and locker.
Hiyuu looked up and back down.
"Can we talk?"
"Aren't we?"
"After school?"
"No." Hiyuu slammed his locker and began walking away.
But Hiyuu kept walking.
Maria's English class was last. Hiyuu arrived just in time to take a seat with no openings nearby. Kyouichi wasn't there.
The bell finished ringing and Maria called roll. When she got to Kyouichi's name she glared at the class, daring them to make a sound in reference to his absence. Two minutes later and she was finished with the roster.
Five minutes after that Hiyuu reads number 16 off the homework and says his answer.
Another four minutes and the class is split into groups of four that are making up directions to a movie theater in english. Hiyuu suggests that they add a bridge.
When Kyouichi is seventeen minutes late for a fifty minute class Hiyuu is copying conjugations for the future tense. One minute later Kyouichi strolls confidently into the room, interrupting Maria at the board.
"I will be going... You will be going... he will be going (Kyouichi walks in) To the hospital in a bodybag! Where the HELL have you been for twenty minutes?"
Kyouichi looks up at the clock. "Eighteen minutes." He looks at the board and points, his face fully confused. "Isn't that a mistake?"
Maria's head whipps toward the board. "WHERE?!"
Kyouichi points at the second row. "Don't you mean 'he will been going'?'"
"WHAT!?" Maria yells. "You are the worst english speaker in the history of translations! Do you make these comments up or are you really that dumb?"
Kyouichi looks mock-hurt as Hiyuu puts his head on his desk.This could take a while.
"I can't help that this shit is hard. You don't have to be mean about it too..." Kyouichi sniffs and begins walking toward the door.
"Get back here!"
"Why should I? You just said I was the worst English speaker in the history of trains." The class laughed. "See? I'm just a joke." Kyouichi glances behind Hiyuu and gestures dramatically. "And my seat's taken. There's no reason I should..."
"No you don't." Maria turns her angry, pointing finger at the girl behind Hiyuu, who jumps to the other side of the room in record speed. "Now sit."
"Well, if you insist. Don't be mad if I stink, though."
"Hiyuu happens to be pretty good at English so ask him if you have any questions. Otherwise, shut up."
Hiyuu sits angrilly as Kyouichi strolls behind him and pats the shorter boy on the head. "Only talk to Hiyuu. Got it."
Once seated and no longer drawing attention, Kyouichi takes the two pencils and two needles out of his pocket where he carefully stored them. He sticks both needles into one eraser, then the other, and shoves thepencils together until the erasers are pinched tightly together. He tests the end to end strength of his super-long-jabbing-weapon and is satisifed. He expertly tucks the pencil under his desk and fishes the pencil out, aiming for Hiyuu's right side, just above his hip.
Hiyuu jumps at the first jab and Kyouichi snickers. Hiyuu shuts his eyes to not show Maria a strange flash of anger.
A second jab follows and a third when Hiyuu doesn't respond. The fourth one nearly hurts as Kyouichi shoves the pencil hard into his lower spine.
Hiyuu considers how much a two foot hole in three floors would cost. Of course, how to explain that you didn't do it when you're the only one missing? Hiyuu muses about taking a certain hostage and dangling him over the Pacific. Instead, he solaces himself by setting his hand nearly behind his back and waiting.
Kyouichi notices that the jabs aren't getting any responses. He aims the pencil lower and tries to tuck it under Hiyuu's jacket and shirt. Maybe if he could jab and drag on bare skin... that might draw blood, right?
Kyouichi begins to delicately pry at the cloth, when Hiyuu's hand snatches at the pencil and catches it. Before Kyouichi can pull it away Hiyuu crumbles the stick into little yellow splinters that sprinkle lightly on the ground.
Kyouichi looks at the single pencil pinned to a newly crushed eraser and frowns.
Hiyuu feels the sharp metal bounce of the back of his head and into the air. He turns slowly to the chuckling face.
"I'm not joking. Stop."
Kyouichi took in the serious, pale face and laughed louder.
"Seriously, you should have seen it though! It bounced like three feet..." but he was interrupted when his seat jerked two feet backwards and he landed on the ground. Hiyuu smiled largely from his seat and turned towards the board.
Kyouichi's pride was hurt as he reached for a handhold and stood next to his desk. The girls next to them called him a clutz, and when Hiyuu laughed quietly Kyouichi kicked Hiyuu's chair into the wall in time for Hiyuu to step calmly out of it and watch the chair sail and break into three pieces.
By the time Maria stopped yelling at Kyouichi there was only six minutes left in class.