
Oct 14, 2005 16:40

This is my pedestal.
The throne on which my dreams sit,
To be set free,
Remove their crown of royalty,
And see what else lies behind those castle gates.

The large white doors
That swing open,
Gently releasing a scent
Smells like lost dreams,
and life,
I wonder what it would taste like...
Maybe fatal poison to my soul.

I've been told,
If you don't use it...
You loose it...
I sure hope not,
The moments left in life,
And the memories,
Not yet collected...
Will not stand for it.

These gates stop me from living,
Can I really breathe without them?
This is where life and death,
This is no mistake.
This is no accident.

Pack them up,
And move them away,
Rid them from my sights.
Scared to look at them,
They'll burn holes into your irises.

Be careful,
You break it, you buy it.
One floated away?
That's fine,
Like the lost balloon,
I never needed it anyway.

Don't pack them too tightly,
They need their space,
They need to breathe.
Close the door...
Take them away.
I'm not sure I need them anyway.

Close my eyes,
Imagine them,
The sweet roses covered in plastic,
My ambition to be a pageant queen.
The seashells locked in a cardboard box;
Both found on the same beach...
The beginning of my dreams.
The great blue and orange ball,
It made the goal, but,
Unfortunately I didn't.

Tons of knowledge,
Wrapped in the pages of a magazine...
This was my ambition,
My dream in life,
My heart,
My passion...
Never knowing
That a surfer's famous last words
"Just one more,"
Would truly be my last...
Watching the waves,
Like an astronaut floating
On another planet,
I fell the life move beneath me.

This is it...
One of the many,
But never forgotten,
But always remembered.

Never knowing the answer,
I'll never understand
Why I gave up...

No my friend...
The ballet slippers
Aren't in my make-shift castle,
They never made it there,
Kept it protected from the other dreams,
I would not let them
Kill it too...
This one will not be locked in a box...
Only placed on top,
Its pink ribbons
Curling beneath it.

And one day,
It too will be set among the others,
Lost in its dark abyss,
Dead to the world,
But never to me.

Smelling the scent of each other,
And watching,
And waiting,
And wondering,
When that dream catcher will find them,
And place them out to breath
To gain life,
To live in a heart
And wanting
To never be locked
In that tower again.

A silly assignment for my english class, hope you enjoyed it.
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