I still like stumbling

Jan 20, 2017 23:29

I look for excuses to do anything but what I should.
I'm looking for you.
Beside me.
But you aren't.

The faces you make.
The way you breathe, with just the right amount of force to get me to notice.
The way my weight falls, pushing me into you...
I could get lost.
But instead I'm just lost.

Left, right?
Which road am I traveling?
I'm stumbling.

You ask the same questions.
I don't know if you're looking for different answers or reassurance.

You want different answers?
You want depth?
Those waters are too deep to wade in.
You ready to swim?

I like your eyes.
I think you may be as lost as you think you are.
Your honesty.
While not blatant,
or sometimes incredibly,
is refreshing.
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