May 24, 2006 00:02
I'm in my library at this accursed time of night and i'm rather annoyed. It used to be before they encouraged this kind of late night learning antics only about ten people all of who were in a reverent hushed silence, but now it's open til two all sorts of fuckers are here in 'study groups'and having conversations and shit. It's pretty diabolical, the library's been rammed all this week, I imagine this means that Leicester has managed to meet it's student quota two years running and is now no longer "the official university of clearing" (i would put this in italics but I know not how).
I do rather love this university and particularly it's joyous history department, mainly because neither are up their own arse. Seriously you get some subjects like law, psychology, medicine here that think they're the dogs bollocks and everyone else can fuck off, but you get others that don't and that is why I love them. Like all the sciences, they're undergoing quite a crisis of confidence, I would have thought if you could do something like physics, chemistry or bio-chemistry or whatever it is without breaking a sweat you would think you were pretty ace, but generally all the scientists etc. I know are well down to Earth about the whole thing. I think it's great, but still I reckon they should develop more of a swagger as becomes the sciences, they're discovering shit and what not.
And the university for some unknown reason is situated in such a way, so as to get to it, you either have to approach it through a park, with an extraordinarily large amount of male rape, or via a road which is bordered on one side with a college boundary which resembles a mini forest and on the other a massive abandoned graveyard.
Bah, I'm going to read and find out whether I find it acceptable to drink red wine in the library - I've bought a glass.