(no subject)

Feb 20, 2009 01:46

[22:57] * Dr_Huang is alone for this session, and while not appearing to actively wish not to be here, he looks a little unenthusiastic. He has a small box, which he keeps in his lap when he sits down where Dr. Drake usually sits, and his everpresent notes.
[22:57] -->| Blindgringo (Mibbit@dm-11915.static.dsl.dodo.com.au) has joined #grouphug
[22:59] * Harvey looks just about as unenthusiastic as Dr. Huang, and appreciably more dully angry. Ugh. He taps his feet against the floor, and runs his fingers through his hair.
[22:59] =-= Blindgringo is now known as Sands
[23:00] * SimonG is a quiet Simon, in his locked-on bite-mask and orange pyjamas. He'll sit by Harvey today, here on the end.
[23:00] * Jervis has had his dosage increased and looks not altogether 'with it'. He's staring somewhere in the mid-distance at nothing at all and humming.
[23:00] * Harley looks very enthusiastic to be here. Very enthusiastic. Very, very. Oh boy.
[23:00] * Eddie kinda does not like group therapy, for -some reason-. :/
[23:02] "I'm glad you could all make it today," he says, mildly deadpan, taking some paper from inside the box. "Today we're going to talk about fear. Would you pass these out, Harley?" Since she looks too energetic.
[23:03] * Harley beams, and will *in fact* do that. Paper! It's like high school now. "Are you the right doctor for that, Dr H?" Don't hit her.
[23:04] * Harvey snorts, and stage-mutters to SImon. "It begins."
[23:05] * Eddie doesn't comment, and watches the door. Bored and annoyed. Group therapy is dumb.
[23:05] Dry: "I think we're all glad that I'm not." Oh, crayons again. They're not as stabby as pencils.
[23:06] * Jervis now has his full attention on Harley, now that she's spoken and she's moving. She has a child-like energy. It's charming.
[23:06] * SimonG smiles, behind his mask.
[23:07] * Eddie wants a green crayon.
[23:08] * Jervis will take any color other than red or black.
[23:08] * SimonG gets a blue one!
[23:09] * Harley is her own energy drink, obviously. "Oh-kay!" Hey, crayons. Awesome. Each person gets a smile as she passes out the things she's made to pass out.
[23:09] * Harvey has paper and a blue crayon. And Harley gets a smile. "Thank you, Dr. Quinzel."
[23:10] * Dr_Huang observes them calmly. "Please, Harvey. I wouldn't want any patients to become confused. --All right. Without writing your name, I want you to write down one of your fears."
[23:11] "If we're not putting our name down, this is supposed to be anonymous? We all have different colored crayons."
[23:11] * Jervis begins coloring his sky-blue crayon to the best of his ability before the actual purpose is revealed. Then he frowns deeply. "J..just give them away?!"
[23:11] "She has at least as much right to be called that as you do. Doctor Huang."
[23:13] * Sands comes in approximately five minutes late, looking visibly cheery. He’s going to be ‘observing’ today, but unlike most ‘observers’ he has no equipment apart from his hidden gun. He slides in to a chair furthest from the group and crosses his legs.
[23:13] "Thank you, Harvey." A pouty frown at Dr Huang, and then she gets to writing.
[23:13] * Eddie glances over at the newcomer.
[23:13] * SimonG turns to stare at the new guy.
[23:14] * Harvey turns with the rest of them, swiveling his head to catch sight with his good eye. "Who's this?"
[23:15] * Jervis is still duly enamored with Harley and the idea of sharing his fears. Sands doesn't draw his attention. Maybe if he were blond.
[23:17] "There should be doubles in the box. As for Harley, she's not a doctor in this institution, and I would really appreciate you not potentially confusing people." He sighs very softly to himself. "This is Sands. He'll be observing us today."
[23:18] * Sands is completely oblivious until Harvey speaks. He doesn’t turn his head nor answer the question as it’s not his job to participate. He’ll just sit there and listen today.
[23:18] * SimonG hides his paper with his hand, writing.
[23:18] * Eddie scowls and picks out another crayon, but keeps his green crayon, too.
[23:19] "Only because you ~fired~ me. Hiiii, Sands." Sing songy voice. Well, why not.
[23:19] * Eddie writes, after tucking the green crayon behind his ear and rolling his eyes.
[23:20] =-= invisicait is now known as Caitlin
[23:20] "Is this related to a fear of yours, Harley?" His tone is gently pointed. "When you're done, fold your paper up and put them in this box."
[23:20] * Eddie folds his page and puts it in the box. There.
[23:21] * SimonG does too!
[23:21] "Tell you what." ...yep, there's the coin. Ting! Slap. Burnt side up. "I'll call Dr. Quinzel whatever I feel like."
[23:21] "Maaaaaaybe." It very well might BE. Paper in the box!
[23:21] * Jervis chews his lower lip, looking a mix oh angry, nervous, and half-asleep. He scribbles a little, then folds it up for the box.
[23:21] The coin disappears with a flick of his fingers, and he -- finally gets to writing -down- something. And putting it in the box.
[23:24] * Dr_Huang mixes the papers around in the box. "I'm sure you've made her day. --Now please pick a paper out of the box. If you get your own, don't say anything."
[23:26] "You're not going to put a note in my file because he called me doctor, are you?" She picks a paper. It's so very exciting!
[23:27] * Jervis tries to take a paper at the same time as Harley, hoping their hands touch. What?
[23:27] * Eddie peers at all of the papers, then picks one that isn't the one he knows is his, because he knows how he folded it.
[23:27] "No, I believe the note goes in Harvey's file, and is a different color." Meanwhile, he sits back, writing down some more stuff. Perhaps it is even complete with passive aggressive phrasing.
[23:27] * Harvey reaches in -- whose hand is that.
[23:28] "Harvey, you're getting a *note*." This? Makes her giggle a moment.
[23:29] * Jervis mutters quietly "I want a note."
[23:30] * SimonG takes the last one.
[23:30] * Eddie taps his fingers on his paper, without opening it.
[23:31] "We'll go around the room and discuss what each note says, and whether you can relate to it as a fear. Eddie, would you like to start?"
[23:31] |<-- SimonG has left apocalypse.fi.eu.darkmyst.org (Exit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
[23:32] -->| SimonG (Mibbit@dm-38090.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) has joined #grouphug
[23:33] "And?" He smiles, then frowns vaguely. Ngh.
[23:35] * Eddie opens the paper and peers at it.
[23:36] "It says 'being left alone'."
[23:37] * Dr_Huang nods and scans the room. "Jervis? What do you think of this fear, being left alone?"
[23:39] * Jervis hangs his head, looking sad and angry and then moving his gaze back to Harley. "It's a dreadful thing. Aloneness. Almost too familiar to be fearful." There's a quiet fight in his head that plays on his face as he goes to staring at the floor.
[23:40] * Eddie quirks a brow.
[23:40] * Harvey grimaces, and rubs the good since of his face, closing his eye.
[23:40] * Harley should probably be a bit creeped out by all the Jervis-staring. But she's not. Yet.
[23:41] "Harvey?"
[23:41] "What." A little snappish there.
[23:43] "You seemed to react to Jervis's answer." Huang sounds purposefully neutral. "What do you think about being left alone?"
[23:45] * Eddie likes the process involved in discussing these. It's very structured. It's keeping his attention, now.
[23:47] * Harvey considers his answer, for a little too long. Obviously struggling. "It's -- one of those fears everyone has, isn't it?"
[23:47] * Harvey is lying through his teeth here. It's not quite convincing.
[23:48] * Dr_Huang nods again without commentary, despite the unconvincing nature of Harvey's answer. "Before we move on, Eddie, any thoughts?"
[23:49] "Most people are afraid of being alone, yes."
[23:50] "Which is kinda interesting, considering there are so many of us."
[23:51] "It's a part of the human condition, yes." He moves along briskly. "Simon? What does your note say?"
[23:53] * Eddie smiles. He approves of not dwelling on the human condition. No! The process must continue!
[23:54] * Harley likes dwelling on the human condition, but says nothing.
[23:55] * Sands actually looks like he’s paying attention now. There’s a sliiight smile on his lips, but feel free to ignore it. He’s not amused. Really. He isn’t.
[23:55] * Harvey is not terribly fond of it when it's his own.
[23:55] * SimonG unfolds his. "Um." Squint. "The Jabberwocky."
[23:56] * Jervis is slightly afraid of Simon and trying not to let it show.
[23:57] ... huh. This is going to be a hard one, isn't it. "Harley? What do you think?"
[23:57] * Harvey looks over at Jervis, tapping his feet. No prizes for guessing that one.
[23:58] * Harley considers. "So...a fear of nonsensical things?"
[23:58] * Eddie giggles.
[23:59] "Maybe. Simon?" He hopes Simon won't ridicule Jervis's fear. The whole exercise is based on the premise that people's fears are understandable, but, well.
[23:59] * Harley isn't ridiculing! "Things we don't understand is a valid fear."
[00:00] "The Jabberwocky's just kind of... a monster, isn't it? Like it's all monsters. That's definitely something to be afraid of."
[00:02] * Dr_Huang nods, trying not to be too encouraging. The point of the exercise is their discussion. "That's a good point. Anything to add, Harvey?"
[00:04] "...hmm? Oh." He's paying attention, really. (No, he isn't.) "...not really."
[00:04] "Go ahead and read your note, then." Pay attention B|
[00:05] * Eddie beams.
[00:07] * Harvey unfolds the note. Oh, hey, what do you know. He focuses on Dr. Huang. "Lies."
[00:07] |<-- Skylanth has left apocalypse.fi.eu.darkmyst.org (Exit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
[00:10] * Harley laughs juuust a bit.
[00:10] * Eddie tilts his head. That's a good one.
[00:11] "Interesting. Eddie, do you find you can relate to this?"
[00:11] * SimonG nods.
[00:11] * Jervis is glad he wasn't laughed at and certainly finds this one interesting. Toothy pout for all of you.
[00:12] "Absolutely. It's very reasonable to fear dishonesty."
[00:12] * Harvey shifts in his chair, tapping his feet again.
[00:12] "Especially here."
[00:13] "Anywhere."
[00:13] "Especially from women."
[00:14] * SimonG glances sideways at Jervis. "Or families."
[00:14] "Dude, women do not lie more than men."
[00:14] * Harley pouts, but only for a brief moment. "I don't lie."
[00:14] "Much."
[00:14] * Harvey tils his head at Harley, acknowledging. "Where we can't seek out information on our own, and have to essentially rely on..." Blink, trail off, frown.
[00:15] "On --" Damn it. Words.
[00:15] "Women lie less, but more severely. Deeper wounds."
[00:15] "Yeah, Harvey?"
[00:15] "Others?"
[00:16] It's time for note-taking, definitely. Those were some good answers from all of them, and the discussion now is good too. They'll get to Jervis and Harley in a moment.
[00:16] "On others." Thank you. "But others that we already have... problems with."
[00:16] * SimonG nodnods.
[00:17] "People who aren't trustworthy to begin with?"
[00:18] "Trust issues, power... uneven amounts of power. Grudges. However justifiable they may be."
[00:18] "Lies aren't fair?"
[00:19] * Dr_Huang doesn't sigh. He does, however, glance over at Sands to see how the man is taking group therapy. If they're all very lucky, they'll get out of this without someone trying to kill someone else, but perhaps Sands will be disappointed.
[00:20] * Harley smiles, encouragey-like, at Harvey. You can do it, Harvey!
[00:23] * Harvey runs his fingers through his hair again, and taps his feet. Considers this. "I lie. But I'm fair about it. Other people..." A shrug, looking annoyed. This is sort of an off-day, it seems. "It's as fair as anything else."
[00:25] "Lying is wrong."
[00:27] * Harvey holds up the coin. "Right." Turns it to the other side. "Wrong."
[00:27] "You don't lie, Eddie?"
[00:28] "Lying is a solution for when a person cannot or will not present the truth. I never lie. I know how to speak or keep the truth."
[00:32] "Moving on...?" It's actually a question. The discussion can continue.
[00:32] "Can we?" She's getting bored and antsy.
[00:32] * Harvey shrugs. "Who's next?"
[00:33] * Eddie hmms. He doesn't want to move on, but the process must continue.
[00:34] "Jervis?"
[00:38] "Hmm?" He looks up, startled, then unfolds his paper. He tilts his head, with a little surprise. "...Leopard ....slugs."
[00:38] * SimonG blinks.
[00:38] * Harvey looks appropriately bewildered.
[00:39] * Harley rolls her eyes, because...what? And then, she takes a crayon and begins coloring her nails.
[00:39] "I see. Simon? What do you think about fearing leopard slugs?"
[00:40] * Jervis chuckles under his breath and wads up the little piece of paper. His was much scarier.
[00:42] "I... guess slugs are something to be afraid of? They give you a rash if you let them stay on you too long. Like the slime starts eating your skin. I... well, it's probably gone but I used to have a burn-ish thing where I woke up with one of the black ones on my neck." Yep. Sleeping in the sewers will do that to you.
[00:42] |<-- Caitlin has left apocalypse.fi.eu.darkmyst.org (Exit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
[00:42] * Eddie cringes. Ew. Ewww, Simon.
[00:42] -->| ApathyNotEnvy (Mibbit@dm-39882.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined #grouphug
[00:43] * Harvey makes a face. "I'll have to remember that."
[00:43] "Gross."
[00:44] * SimonG rubs his neck. "Yeah."
[00:44] "They're so gross. Ohmygawd."
[00:44] "That's a really good point," Huang agrees. "I think that's..." Oh, Eddie. "... right, well. Harley? Would you read yours?"
[00:45] "It's a very weak man who finds himself trapped under a slug..."
[00:46] * SimonG hunches his shoulders.
[00:46] * Harley puts down her crayon, picks up her paper aaaand snickers. "Doctors."
[00:46] * Harvey shoots Harley a look. Hey, not cool.
[00:47] * Harley is laughing at doctors, not Simon. Really. "Valid fear!"
[00:47] "What about... slug doctors?"
[00:47] * Jervis claps a little. "Hear hear."
[00:48] * SimonG stares at the floor.
[00:48] Dryly, "Nurses are worse."
[00:48] "Jabberwok slug doctors who lie, then leave you alone."
[00:48] "... yatzee."
[00:48] "Be nice to the nurses."
[00:49] *Yahtzee
[00:49] "I'd be afraid of doctors too. Especially ones who lie. Especially *here*."
[00:49] "Someone call Dr. Crane, I think Eddie's onto something."
[00:50] * Eddie holds up his hands like claws. Raar, slug doctors.
[00:50] * Dr_Huang sighs very slightly. "I think we're done for the day."
[00:50] * Eddie giggles.
[00:50] * Jervis giggles madly and kicks his feet.
[00:50] "Iiiii win at group therapy, oh man."
[00:51] "Why are we done for the day?" She may actually be disappointed!
[00:51] * Sands suddenly pipes up (he was never one to follow the rules). “May I borrow those a moment, doc?” he motions to the crayons and paper (or the room in general) but doesn’t wait for an answer. He simply takes them and starts writing. One piece of paper for each person - excluding the doctor.
[00:52] * SimonG picks at the edges of his bit of paper, tearing it apart.
[00:52] * Dr_Huang watches with some interest, writing down some extra notes on his pad (that are not about Sands, just the session).
[00:52] * Eddie watches. A note?
[00:53] * Harvey raises his eyebrow at the... guy, as he writes. The... blind... guy? He's going to have to ask someone about this, later.
[00:54] * Harley finds this, as she does most things, absolutely fascinating.
[00:54] * Eddie assumes the fellow's recently lost his vision and retains enough spacial awareness and confidence to pull this off. Nice trick.
[00:54] ((replace 'retains' with 'has'))
[00:56] * Sands finish off each piece of paper, the message all the same (messy, but readable), and passes them out before grinning and flopping back in to his chair. Thank god he doesn’t trip over anything. "I’ll need a volunteer.”
[00:57] * Harvey flips for it. Burnt. "Not it."
[00:58] * SimonG glances at the others, then at Sands again. He doubts you're blind at all, blind man. "I'll do it."
[00:58] * Jervis is clearly torn. He fidgets in his seat, trying to decide between safety and seizing the day.
[00:59] * Dr_Huang observes the proceedings with an increasingly skeptical expression.
[01:03] * Sands claps his thigh. "Perfect. Go ahead then."
[01:04] "... Alright?"
[01:04] "Pick a number between one and ten. ... Seven, preferably."
[01:07] "Two."
[01:09] * Eddie tilts his head.
[01:10] * Jervis may or may not be paying attention.
[01:10] * Eddie is paying attention, but isn't saying anything.
[01:10] "Seven." Can she get a 'can follow directions' note now, Dr H?
[01:11] * Dr_Huang noted it down. Does that count?
[01:12] * Sands will wait as long as he needs to.
[01:12] "... four."
[01:12] "Six?"
[01:14] "It's celebrity jeopardy!"
[01:15] * Jervis feels like something of a Dormouse these days. "...Mm? Seven."
[01:16] * Harley smiles at Jervis. Listening to directions!
[01:17] * Eddie 's preference isn't seven.
[01:17] * Jervis is smiled at! Oh goodness. He nervously smiles back.
[01:17] * Harvey has a system, and god damn it, he's going to -stick- to it.
[01:21] * Sands points to Jervis, and then Harley. "You two get brownie points, and by brownie points, I mean things that relate to the subject 'happy happy joy joy'."
[01:22] * Eddie snickers.
[01:22] * SimonG gives Huang a put-upon look. Who the heck is this guy?
[01:22] * Harley beams.
[01:23] "Does that mean you have a fear of following directions, or of others -not- following directions?"
[01:23] * Jervis smiles, quite possibly because Harley is.
[01:23] "It didn't say we had to say seven, simply that there was a preference for it. My preference outweighs it."
[01:24] * Dr_Huang refrains from returning Simon's put-upon look, as it wouldn't be professional. But he thinks about it!
[01:26] * SimonG sighs. He's ready to be done today.
[01:28] "Yes, I figured that out when you didn't say seven...Number sss....two, I'll see sometime next week. As for the question, I'll give you a clue. Starts with 'n', ends with 'o'."
[01:30] And up goes the eyebrow again. -Right.- "Dr. Huang, can we go now?"
[01:30] "If that's all..." Huang does not do a sarcastic drawl because he doesn't emote that much, ever, and besides, again, not professional. But there's a ghost of it in his voice, drifting around and being troublesome!
[01:30] "Why seven?"
[01:35] "Its the first number that came to mind." Time to pack up. He wants to get home and eat something.
[01:35] * Dr_Huang signals the guards.

myownluck, [arkham], edsidlemirth, shootthecook, dysfunctionjnct, onlynothuman, 10over6, icd10f60pt7

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