
Nov 30, 2008 20:18

It seems Judah's gotten it in his head that it's all right to be rude to his superiors, so Eddie's here to come check out whatever little project this guy thinks he's going to carry out in the warehouse he found for him. What? Of course he has a copy of the keys. He's the one who found the warehouse. Let's see what's here ( Read more... )

arkham_warden, lastchancetorun, edsidlemirth, toaskorinquire

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lastchancetorun December 1 2008, 01:35:41 UTC
The place isn't really that put together yet, and why would it be? Judah hasn't had it that long.

There are three main areas: the main warehouse, a freezer storage room and an office. The warehouse looks like it's being set up for some sort of lab, and there sure are a whole lot of gas masks on that lab table, aren't there? There are a few boxes, mostly things that Judah is slowly bringing over from his U-Store It. Supplies and powders and liquids.

The freezer storage is empty, except for a deprivation tank and a floor drain.

The office is probably the most put together of the areas, and resembles his clinic quite a bit. There's probably a reason for that.

This is, it should be noted, where Judah is.


edsidlemirth December 1 2008, 01:39:14 UTC
It's not like Eddie thinks he's alone in here, no. He just happens to think him unlocking the door and walking in here is fine. This is why, after examining this main room, with a bit of a curious, disapproving frown, for only a moment or two, he heads for the office.


lastchancetorun December 1 2008, 01:52:19 UTC
Well, Eddie, Judah thinks you can fuck right off. Okay?

In fact, he will demonstrate this by doing a series of things. He will look annoyed at an unwanted visitor's prescence, grab a canister of guess what off of his desk and spray it right in your disapproving face.

He's so RUDE, right? Not even a 'hello, Eddie'.


edsidlemirth December 1 2008, 01:56:17 UTC
It's not that Eddie wasn't prepared for the possibility of that kind of thing. It's that he didn't expect to get a face full of fear gas without having the chance to talk his way out of it, first. I mean, come on, he always makes his CHA check. Worked last time, didn't it?

"Judah, what the..." His arm flies up to shield his mouth and nose.


lastchancetorun December 1 2008, 01:59:16 UTC
You know what's different here? What's different is that Harvey's not here with his coin. Apparently, that makes all the difference.

What's going to happen now is that Judah's going to come towards you, and he's going to keep that gas canister with him. Just in case he needs to use it again. "Why are you here? How did you get in? What do you want?"


edsidlemirth December 1 2008, 02:05:12 UTC
He takes several steps back, stumbling on the last one, and hitting a wall. Well, at least he didn't fall over! He's smooth that way.

"Jesus Christ, Dr. Stark! I'm visiting! Did you seriously just gas me? You s... oh what the... for the love of Pete, Judah!" He doesn't stammer so much as his voice becomes a bit shrill.


lastchancetorun December 1 2008, 02:08:08 UTC
Dr Stark is not pleased, Eddie. And he really, really does not like you. He'll follow you right to that wall, and glower and glare. "How. Did you. Get. In."


edsidlemirth December 1 2008, 02:10:53 UTC
Well, why doesn't Judah like him? Why doesn't Judah know how awesome he is? Oh shit! Judah really -doesn't- like him! This is impossible!

"I have a copy of the keys. Calm -down-, Judah, okay, okay, please? Look. I can pick locks, anyway! Okay?"


lastchancetorun December 1 2008, 02:12:32 UTC
Judah, later, will probably wonder if Eddie thought telling him about his lockpicking prowess was actually a good idea. "Give me the keys. Now."


edsidlemirth December 1 2008, 02:19:19 UTC
He holds out the keys with a shaking arm. It -had- to have been a good idea. Really. Really, it's a good idea to tell him the truth. It's never a good idea to lie.

Wouldn't he be impressed? No, no he wouldn't. His head is swimming. He keeps his back to the wall to keep his balance. The wall is dirty against his back, and he's feeling increasingly sick. He arm covering his mouth muffles a gagging cough, now.


lastchancetorun December 1 2008, 02:27:02 UTC
Judah takes the keys, tossing them onto his desk. You can pretty much assume, Eddie, that Judah is not impressed with you at all. Ever. "If you ever, ever tell anyone that I'm here? I will find a way to hurt you. If you come here again without my say-so or your little friends show up, I will find away to get in your head and I will rip your mind apart. Are we clear?"

While he waits for his answer, he's just going to grab Eddie by the jacket and drag him towards the entrance of the warehouse. Someone's going to get gas-tossed!


edsidlemirth December 1 2008, 02:34:44 UTC
Thought patterns that are usually maddening repetitive are almost like, no, they are, an audible ringing in his ears. This isn't impressive at all, no. He's just trapped. In a cell? In the cell again? OH SHIT! WAIT WAIT, no, no, can't concentrate.

Can't concentrate. Then, snap, his attention goes right to Judah again, after his gaze darts all over the filthy old warehouse. "No, okay, I won't, okay, okay, look. Look, my mind... you're ripping my mind apart?!"

He's not hard to drag around. He's a little slip of a thing, really.


lastchancetorun December 1 2008, 02:39:28 UTC
Judah rolls his eyes. "Not yet. Not today." Unless you piss him off again. Are you going to? "What I do here is none of your business? Understand? I am not playing your game, and I'm not part of your game. If you come back here, you will be part of what I do. And you will not like it."

Hey, look. The door. Big red exit sign. That's nice, right?


edsidlemirth December 1 2008, 02:45:16 UTC
He isn't even worth any real time in dealing with, here? No. He looks about as devastated as he does frightened, now. E-X-I-T. The letters are red.

EXIT is not a red word. It's a blue word. Never made any sense why it was red if it's blue if it's red if...

"Please don't take me outside, okay? Okay, Judah Judah Judah, let me stay, okay? Icanhelpyou! I just wanted to help you out Judah, okay? We're all playing the same game, Judah!"


lastchancetorun December 1 2008, 02:55:19 UTC
He's not going to argue anymore about whether or not it's a game, that way lies throwing Eddie in the deprivation tank and leaving him there for his brother. Ahem.

"You're going outside and you're leaving. There is absolutely nothing that you can help me with, and if you stay...well." Briefest smirk. "Today, I am not adverse to letting you end up like Mr Daelman or poor Miss Beummers."

Poor Charlie and Emma.


edsidlemirth December 1 2008, 03:02:03 UTC
He yelps. But there's no one OUT THERE, Judah! He doesn't want to go out there by himself! It's cold and dirty and there is no one -there-! He tries to grab hold of Judah's arm.

"I'm good at all kinds of shit, I promise, I showed you, Judah, come on. What? What, come on, okay? Don't send me out, I'll have to take the -train- home, shit, the -train-, Judah, it's so gross, okay, look. Okay? Okay?"

Yeah, right, like he could manage the train like this.


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