[I Hate It Here 02] You are all diseased

Oct 01, 2008 15:14

I Hate It Here

Spider Jerusalem

I'm sorry I abandoned you on Friday, Gotham. I wanted to rejoice with you at addition of another mental-defective to Arkham's number, but I just couldn't work up the excitement. Oh, I had an article for you. Don't doubt that. I had words for what's happened, but my editor told me it wouldn't be published. Apparently, we've received several legal threats from Arkham Asylum's lawyers calling everything I say about them 'libel' and uneducated bias. So I can't tell you that I think they're making the problem worse. I can't tell you that I think a person's more likely to find sanity by walking through Disneyland with a head full of acid than through Arkham's treatment. I can't tell you that I doubt their ability to keep anyone locked away for long or why.

What I am allowed to say is that the two costumed nutbags who handed him to the police are just as bugshit crazy as the 'Riddler' himself. I can tell you that Batman is king crazy in this special-needs parade. I can tell you, Gotham, that all of this --yes, all of it-- is your fault. You let these things happen. You don't care if an asylum is useless as long as you aren't in it, you don't care if the police are corrupt if they leave you alone, you don't care if some violent schitzo is beating the shit out of people he judges 'guilty' so long as it isn't you. In fact, a lot of you suffer from such severe tv induced brain-rot that you actually praise and idolize the flying rodent. Bats carry rabies. Rabies makes you irrational, paranoid, and violent. Sounds like our guy. Don't let that fucker bite you, no matter how much of a hero you think he is. He's clearly spreading the disease around like a yeast infection at an orgy.

I don't forgive you, city. Not nearly. However, uncle Spider will let it go this time, because I am in a rare and dangerous mood. I have mated with one of your women, Gotham, and spilled my horrible seed. I have marked her as mine with my smell. Stay back. And whoever was videotaping, I get a cut of any profits you fucking pervert! Don't think I won't know. I have five more senses than an average human and one of them is just for knowing when someone has seen me naked.

[gotham times]

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