Simon can't have nice things.

Jan 28, 2010 18:11

The decision to take Garoux off his meds, even for a controlled experiment, met with some raised eyebrows among the board. But, it had the approval of two of the asylum's doctors, and so it went forward. Not so the decision to stop feeding him. The court-filed papers to allow them to tube-feed him against his will left no such loopholes.

Simon deals with this withdrawal the way he has every other one: By sleeping as much as he's allowed. The only request he makes from Giles is that his cell's lights be left off, and he's granted that. So it's a quiet week from him, save the whispered conversations with his perpetual hallucinations.

The staff who come to collect him for his feeding on Wednesday followed the usual protocol. Two orderlies, two guards, enough to ensure he doesn't make an escape attempt. But Simon's not trying to escape when he bites into Orderly Warren Monday's hand, suddenly lunging for him, wrapping bodily around him and going for the throat. His teeth are already set deep in the notch between neck and shoulder when the guards reach him, jerking him off of Monday like a cat, a taser shoved against his ribs. "No!" He snarls at them, bloody mouthed and feral even as he collapses, and the taser jolt is followed quickly by two darts from the other orderly's gun.

Monday survives long enough for the paramedics to arrive, thanks in no small part to the asylum's recent mandatory emergency response courses. He'll probably make it. But that doesn't change the fact of the attack, or the probable cause.

[arkham], onlynothuman

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