(no subject)

Jan 20, 2010 00:18

[22:36] edsidlemirth: Eddie is sitting in the visiting room, clutching a stack of notebook paper worthy of a sizeable zine issue, and full of about as many odd doodles. He is somewhat more sheepish in demeanor than he could be, but he is happy.
[22:49] i_own_this: Bruce has been busier than usual, since the New Year -- he has someone to train and teach, now, and responsibilities there, in addition to his other duties. So... he hasn't visited as much as he might have, sure. But he's here now, and that makes up for it, right? Yeah? "Hey!"
[22:51] edsidlemirth: That has yet to be seen. Eddie expects an explanation, but after the past couple weeks, he isn't sure if he should argue with whatever explanation is given. His smile is perhaps a little too cheerful, which would be a case of the nerves, there. "Hello!"
[23:08] i_own_this: Bruce gives him a big smile, at least. "Did you get my Christmas present?"
[23:09] edsidlemirth: "I did! Thank you so much!" He squares off the stack of paper, even though it doesn't need it. "I wasn't really sure what I could give back, though, but you were gone for a while..."
[23:12] i_own_this: He ducks his head, sheepish. Still smiling. "Yeah, I know. I didn't mean to, but there's been -- you know. Actual work, believe it or not." Now that the excuse is over with, he turns his attention to the paper.. "What is it?"
[23:16] edsidlemirth: Actual work, okay. That means the man's either been honestly especially busy, or that it's a convenient lie for not wanting to be here. He really shouldn't argue. His smile is strained, for a moment. "~This~ is a computer program I've written for you." Once he gets to the part where he can be proud of his own work, though, he's fine.
[23:18] i_own_this: Well, he isn't about to say sorry, I've been busy training your teenage cousin to be my sidekick, you know. "...on paper?" A look of put-on confusion.
[23:20] edsidlemirth: "Yes, on paper. All of the instructions are here. You need to enter it in, seeing as how they won't let me have access to a computer. It's a game. Nothing malicious, I assure you." It's just covered with crazy fractal doodly things and FULL OF CODES.
[23:53] i_own_this: Mmm, codes. Bruce reaches out to take the papers, flipping through them. The vaguely concerned and befuddled look is for you, Mr. Guard. "I'll, um, probably have to get someone's help to make it work. But thanks!" Also for you, Mr. Guard. The beaming smile is for him and Eddie, though. "So, how have you been?"
[23:56] edsidlemirth: "Yeah, I know, computers are hard." He giggles, and leans back in his seat folding his hands together now that he's free of the papers. "Oh, gawd, it sucks here so much. They put me next to Doctor Crane, but Doctor McCoy's back, now, and they've fixed that. I'm so bored, and people don't visit often."
[00:43] i_own_this: "Next to Crane?" Worry! "Are you okay? Did he do anything?"
[00:44] edsidlemirth: "Uh... yeah, we talked a lot. That's my fault..." His voice trails off, but he shrugs. "My doctor's back now, so it's going to be cool, yeah?"
[00:57] i_own_this: "If they've moved him, yeah." Does he have to point out how boneheaded that was? No? Good. "How's he doing?"
[01:00] edsidlemirth: "Gosh, far as I can tell, he's doing pretty good. He's a tough guy, you know? He's back to work after getting abducted by the Joker, and he isn't twitchy or anything. He's awesome."
[01:29] i_own_this: "That's pretty impressive. I'm glad to hear he's doing okay." He's not sure if it's worrying or encouraging that McCoy's come back to Arkham. "Anything else interesting going on around here?"
[01:32] edsidlemirth: "No, it's like... same day, every day. Sometimes there's group therapy. So you're going to keep visiting, right? When you're not busy? You should! I know it's borng here, and all..."
[01:33] edsidlemirth: *boring
[01:57] i_own_this: "Heh... yeah, but that's not your fault. Maybe we can, you know... figure out something to talk about beside --" Gesturing at the walls. Bleah. Arkham. "...we could start a two-man book club."
[02:01] edsidlemirth: "That involves you making time in your ~busy schedule~ to read." He laughs, still nervous that he's going to bail. God damn it, Dr. Crane. "But I'm all for this. Oooor we could see if they'll let us play... well, you'd want to play what, checkers? Chutes and Ladders?" Teasing. And for the benefit of the guard. "I don't have rec room privleges yet, anyway."
[02:04] i_own_this: "Hey, I'm pretty good at checkers." He has to admit, the rich idiot act has its moments. Pretending to take statements like that one seriously? Yeah, that's up there. "But, yeah..." The idea of reading is a daunting one. Hmm. Hmmmm. "Books on tape? I don't know, I just don't want to be boring, over here...."
[02:06] edsidlemirth: "Oho, really?" Yeah, that's pretty hilarious. Eddie only smirks a little. They can pretend he's trying to hide scorn. "Aww, you're not boring. Tell me what you're up to." Go on, keep making the lies funny.
[23:57] i_own_this: "If you're sure..." Man, how cruel is Eddie, to keep stringing this poor rich sap along? I ask you, Mr. Guard. "There was the company christmas party..."
[23:59] edsidlemirth: "That took several weeks, hm? I can only imagine how much of a stain it would be. Heh... all right. Did you also have a party for New Year's?"
[00:13] i_own_this: "....huh?" Oh, nevermind. "Yeah, but I don't remember as much of that one. I think I missed the countdown."
[00:15] edsidlemirth: Eddie laughs. "I missed it, too. I slept through it, though. It was so lame. At least I get to say that I slept until ~the next year~."
[00:32] i_own_this: Bruce laughs, too. "The next decade, even. I'd trade the sleep for the hangover I had the next morning... I know Alfred didn't have to be that loud about bringing me breakfast."
[00:35] edsidlemirth: "Man, you don't -want- the pills they give me to sleep. Do you think I'm hyperactive? I don't think I'm actually hyperactive. Not... that much. I mean, I'm calm."
[00:37] i_own_this: "I'm not really a doctor..." He rubs the back of his neck. "I don't know. Do they say why?"
[00:40] edsidlemirth: "I get really bored. If I have practically nothing to do, of course I'm going to go nuts."
[00:58] i_own_this: Bruce frowns. "They should just give you more to do, then."
[01:02] edsidlemirth: "I need to earn back privleges. I busted out of here. Dr. House didn't really like that."
[22:40] i_own_this: "But it was for a good cause. And you came back..."
[22:40] edsidlemirth: "Mmhm! Sooooo it shouldn't be too long. I don't deserve to be bored."
[23:05] i_own_this: Bruce grins. "Definitely not. You want me to bring you any more books or anything? To, you know, help with that?"
[23:10] edsidlemirth: Eddie grins back. Like he's going to complain about being brought stuff. Yeah, right. "Yes, in addition to anything you'd like to discuss in our meetings." His voice trails off to 'serious meeting' voice at the end of that, and, of course, doesn't last. "Let me know how that works for you." He gestures to the papers.
[00:10] i_own_this: He seems to stifle a chuckle. "Yes, sir, whatever you say..."
[00:13] edsidlemirth: He giggles, and shakes his head, amused.
[00:13] i_own_this: "But, um, is there anything else you want to talk about? I don't want you to keep on being bored, here..."
[00:16] edsidlemirth: "Oh, um..." He stops laughing, and raises both eyebrows. Okayokay, he wants to leave. Come up with a reason for him to stay that doesn't involve blowing the rich idiot routine to the guard. So, showing him weird math tricks is out. Intelligent discussion is out. He can't -see- the weather, so that's out... "I suppose not." He frowns.
[00:40] i_own_this: Bruce frowns, too. That certainly hadn't been his intention. "You sure?"
[00:41] edsidlemirth: "Well, we can't -do anything-, we just have to sit here and chat while this guy stares at us." And it is so, so not impressive that he doesn't have the option of presenting an alternative. He looks over at the guard. "No offense, man."
[01:02] i_own_this: The guard shrugs. Hey, it's a living. Bruce, for his part, frowns. Good point. "Yeah. It's kind of... you know. Sorry."
[01:06] edsidlemirth: Eddie goes back to trying to ignore the guard. "Now, I'd be a proper host if I could. You know that, though. Let's see how things pan out with my privlieges, and catch up on some reading to discuss, hm?" That sounds... mostly on top of things, but he still looks disapointed, despite himself.
[01:11] i_own_this: Bruce can see that. He really hadn't -meant- to make Eddie think he was bored. But... well, it's not a bad thing, right? He gets to leave here before he'd thought. "Yeah, I do. I hope it all works out, and I'll ask around for ideas for good books... thanks for the computer program."
[01:15] edsidlemirth: "Hey, sure, you're welcome. Merry Christmas. Have fun with it." His smile isn't very smug at all. God damn it. What if this is a setup of an excuse to come back less and less? The guy really is done with him. "I'll see you later."
[01:24] i_own_this: "You too. Merry Christmas. Hope House lets you have those privileges back..." He tries to ignore the nagging annoyance at having said the wrong thing, as he rises, gathering up Eddie's papers to take with him. It doesn't matter.
[01:27] edsidlemirth: Eddie smiles until he's out of the room, and then he goes somewhat sullen, but will be polite to the guard and joke with him a little as he heads back to his cell. Yeah, that sucked. If he comes back, though, next time probably won't. If he comes back. Maybe something'll happen, the Joker will break out, or someone else'll start playing supervillain, and he won't.

edsidlemirth, [log], i_own_this

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