(no subject)

Aug 20, 2009 00:54

01:51:15 * Simon is wearing that happy hug-jacket today. And his mask. Oh joy. And he's miserable, with a big shadow of a bruise where Giles headbutted him. And he wants to sit way over in the corner.
01:52:43 * Eddie 's be pretty wired since the incident, happy to talk to anyone who'll listen, difficult to get to take his evening medication because he' -not tired yet omg let's talk instead and wasn't that awsome? He totally didn't try to escape and helped out and everything-
01:52:45 * Giles is not wearing a tie today. So there is nothing to cover the bruises circling his neck. He's perfectly happy to let Simon sit way over in the corner.
01:53:14 * Eddie is also totally wired about getting to come to group therapy today, because... who knows, actually. He hates group therapy.
01:54:46 * Simon takes no responsibility for those bruises, Doc.
01:56:11 * HarveyDent was apparently fear-gassed, but remembers nothing about it. Which is... either good or bad, he hasn't flipped for it yet. Doesn't want to. (Scared to.) This has led to less horrible trauma, but more troubled self-examination. (And don't forget the nightmares.) This will be an interesting group session.
01:57:30 * Eddie is fidgety. Fidget fidget sitting still is hard, guys.
02:00:38 * DrMcCoy is a little late, and not too happy when he arrives. Looks like he's been on the losing end of an argument. He doesn't greet any of the patients just yet, just goes straight to Giles and pulls him aside. Muttermutterwhisper. Annoyed look.
02:02:03 * Giles will listen to Dr McCoy and then mutter something that sounds like 'floody bell' and go a little pale.
02:02:04 * Eddie beams. His doctor is here and is better than this other doctor.
02:02:08 * Simon pretends to not be interested.
02:02:15 * HarveyDent watches this curiously, glancing from them to the other patients. What's up, docs?
02:03:22 * I-44 gets to come to group for once. He was involved in the event they need special therapy for, after all. He was gassed too.... He was also, clearly, beaten by Batman. The bruises on his face and the fresh staples on the back of his head show that.
02:03:57 * I-44 also gets a nice jacket to wear to group. He and Simon are twins.
02:04:16 * Simon wears it better.
02:04:31 Giles: By the time Patient I-44 is brought in, Giles has returned his face to it's normal bland expression.
02:06:02 * Eddie grimaces.
02:06:30 Simon: "You look like shit."
02:06:50 * DrMcCoy mutters 'tell me about it' right back. Then clears his throat, and turns to the group. "This is a special session for everyone, to help talk about the mess the other day. As such -all- patients on the hall -- still remaining -- are attending. Try to play nice, hmm?"
02:07:33 * HarveyDent sighs, and looks very put upon. Come -on.- "-Really?-"
02:07:39 * I-44 smiles and laughs under his breath, then gives Luke a very innocent look.
02:08:44 Eddie: "Are you guys setting us up for failure, here?"
02:11:23 * DrMcCoy gives him an unimpressed look back. "The word on high is -everyone- sits in for this session. Even Johnny Dee."
02:13:01 * Giles is trying to be cautiously optimistic. Trying. "It will really be not much different from your time in the hall... Except you can see eachother." Giles doesn't sound like he thinks thats a good thing.
02:15:07 Simon: "We really get enough of each other there..."
02:15:08 HarveyDent: "And there isn't any glass between us."
02:16:05 * I-44 seems to be quite agreeable, compared to everyone else. He doesn't complain. Just waits for group to start.
02:16:33 Eddie: "This is a regulation issue, huh? That is so lame."
02:17:18 * Giles is trying to reformat how this group will work now. Because he was only really prepared to deal with /one/ straight-jacketed inmate....
02:17:35 DrMcCoy: "Mmmhmm."
02:18:09 * Simon looks over at Giles.
02:18:57 * Eddie wants to sit next to his doctor. Can he sit next to his doctor? Seeing as how he can get up and move around, here...
02:19:13 * Giles is not face palming..... he's just rubbing his temples
02:20:54 * DrMcCoy won't complain. He'll give Eddie a nod and a small smile, and hold up his finger -- one second -- and go over to consult with Giles again.
02:22:18 * DrMcCoy talks quietly, but might still be heard. "So, what's the plan? Just get 'em talking for an hour? Compare experiences?"
02:23:32 * Simon may be watching his arm.
02:23:51 * Giles will murmer something back about "That /was/ the plan. Go around he table once then let them free talk..."
02:25:12 DrMcCoy: "Let's just go on with that, then. If Johnny's too much of a problem, we can take 'im out."
02:27:01 * Giles will just nod with that, and then look up as if he was not just debating putting in his two weeks notice. "If everyone is happy with their seats, we can begin..."
02:28:23 * HarveyDent is seated beside 'Johnny,' and glances over at him at the 'happy with their seats,' but doesn't say anything.
02:29:07 * Giles was leaving that as an opening so people could /move/, if they'd like......
02:29:10 * Eddie gets to sit next to his doctor! Great!
02:29:36 * HarveyDent might not want to, you know. ...listen, don't ask him -why.-
02:29:58 * Simon will stay back here in the corner.
02:30:00 * Giles will not ask. Because he's not Harvey's doctor....
02:32:14 * I-44 is perfectly happy with his place next to Harvey. He smiles at him and raises a brow. They both like this, right?
02:32:34 * DrMcCoy could make a guess. But, again, not his doctor...
02:33:49 * HarveyDent rolls his eyes. It's more like the look you give an annoying friend or sibling than you do the man who killed your fiancee and horribly disfigured you.
02:35:18 * Giles will not be making a note of that.. Or will he. "To begin, we're going to go around the group, dicussing what took place during the gassing. Mr. Nigma, would you like to start?"
02:37:57 Eddie: "Sure!" This seems great for a moment, but then he remembers he will then have to sit through everyone else's crap. Oh well. That's group therapy for you. "I was visiting with Mr. Warden and Dr. House was supervising - which means he was sitting there playing the peanut gallery."
02:38:20 Eddie: "And that's why the three of us were unaffected."
02:42:36 Tod: ((ah, there
02:42:53 Eddie: ((missed anything after my last, sorry
02:43:04 DrMcCoy: ((Nada XD))
02:43:20 * Simon gives Eddie a suspicious look. Tainted by Doctor House!
02:43:36 Eddie: ((ok ^_^
02:43:36 * DrMcCoy nods. Eddie is a nice, easy (for him, okay?) start to this session. "You were visiting with Warden. Then what happened?"
02:46:35 Eddie: "Then the panic started up outside, so Dr. House left to go see what it was, and locked us in there. Then Harvey let us out and tasered Geoffrey." He smiles at Harvey.
02:47:44 HarveyDent: "I still don't remember that."
02:48:01 * HarveyDent has, undoubtedly, by this time been -told- that he did, and everything else he did, but...
02:48:41 Simon: "Go, Harv."
02:49:12 * I-44 laughs. "Tsk tsk. Naughty boy, Harvey."
02:49:14 Eddie: "Haha, Simon."
02:49:32 Simon: "Shoulda tasered Doctor House."
02:49:58 Eddie: "Gawd, yeah, Harvey doesn't remember this. He took one look at him and tasered him."
02:50:22 * Eddie makes his hand into a gun to illustrate this. Ray gun, bzot bzot!
02:51:25 * HarveyDent snorts, annoyed and just a little bit pleased. He doesn't want to be amused -- dammit, this is weird! -- but. Tasering Warden. Heh.
02:52:11 Eddie: "Aaaand these guys all think this is awesome."
02:52:32 Eddie: "Guys, seriously, if he's here to visit me, he's here with me. Don't taser him."
02:52:46 * Simon snorts.
02:52:53 HarveyDent: "I didn't even flip for it?"
02:53:06 Eddie: ((did he? @_@))
02:53:10 HarveyDent: ((Nope!))
02:53:18 Eddie: "Nope!"
02:53:22 Eddie: ((^_^))
02:53:42 * HarveyDent would have usually at least done that. :\ "Nngh. I'll at least flip, next time."
02:54:27 DrMcCoy: "I can take it by what happened after that that he wasn't too fried, though?"
02:54:29 Eddie: "Nooo, don't -taser- him, coin-for-brains."
02:54:46 Eddie: "Hahaha, nah, he's ~used to it~."
02:54:53 Simon: "/I/ promise I won't taser him, good enough?"
02:55:19 Eddie: "You'll eat him."
02:55:23 * Giles will give Simon a /look/. Because tasering is not what people need to worry about with Simon.
02:55:51 * Simon grins. "No promises there. What's he taste like?"
02:55:52 I-44: "At least he's ...ah...unique."
02:56:22 * Eddie smirks.
02:56:55 HarveyDent: "That's right, you guys have the same tailor."
02:57:06 * Giles does not know the history there. Somehow. So he's just going to glare at Simon again.
02:58:01 * Simon grins back at Giles. Hey, he's in a better mood, this therapy is totally working.
02:58:39 * Giles arm itches.
02:59:24 Eddie: "~Anyway~."
02:59:47 DrMcCoy: "Go on."
03:00:27 Eddie: "So! Harvey wanders off to go be fear gassed at someone else, and since we're out of the room, I'm getting decent enough reception to send word to Batman, which is why he got here on time to do anything."
03:01:02 * HarveyDent smirks, and looks over at the Joker.
03:01:36 Simon: "Oh, you -suck!-"
03:01:46 Giles: "You contacted Batman?" Giles finds this interesting.
03:02:21 * I-44 rolls his eyes. Eddie is a future wet smear in his mind.
03:02:28 Eddie: "No, it was pretty much the best idea. Gawd, guys, you want to run around fear gassed?"
03:03:06 Simon: "Fuck you, he drugged me!"
03:03:55 DrMcCoy: "And you ripped your doctor open in half a dozen places."
03:04:18 Eddie: "Yeah, and you know what? I didn't fight him, try to escape, or hurt anyone, and he didn't hurt me one bit. Huh!"
03:04:46 Simon: "Nngh."
03:04:51 Giles: "He gave you an antidote and something to calm you down, Simon...."
03:05:49 * Giles is not going to get upset. Not at all. "Continue, Eddie?"
03:07:01 * Simon scowls, kicking his feet.
03:07:24 Eddie: "So then Geoffrey and I gathered up all the tasers, keycards and mace we could secure. We found Dib the orderly, then Batman found us, gave Dib an antidote,and sent us all to the meetup point."
03:08:04 * Eddie loves this story. It's about how he handled the situation exactly how it should have been handled and people he likes were there and know he was awesome. :D?
03:09:29 HarveyDent: "Oh, good, he got taken care of." Harvey may actually have a few stitches and a nose cast, from Dib, now that the mun thinks about it...
03:12:54 Eddie: :D?
03:13:06 Giles: "Very good, Eddie." Giles is going to look to Luke for comfirmation that this is good....
03:13:56 * DrMcCoy nods, and smiles. "It was. You probably helped save more than a few lives. Thank you."
03:15:49 Giles: Excellent! Now who's next... "Simon, would you like to go next." And by would Giles means now.
03:16:13 * Simon grumps. "I smelled fire."
03:16:35 * Eddie finally found a good source of praise. Thank god.
03:18:41 * Eddie hms? Wait, that's it?
03:18:52 DrMcCoy: "From where?"
03:19:12 * Eddie is pretty sure he was still talking about him, here, guys, seriously.
03:19:17 Simon: "Out in the hall. When Harvey and his guard went out, the smoke got in."
03:19:50 * DrMcCoy is pretty sure that if they let him go on about himself as long as they liked, the session would be over twice and he'd still be going.
03:20:16 * DrMcCoy nods. "Did you just smell it, or did you see anything?"
03:20:34 * Eddie thinks that'd be a great plan, too. Doctors are getting paid to be here, anyway.
03:20:53 * Simon nods. "I could see the smoke. But he-" He kicks a foot towards Giles. "Wouldn't believe me."
03:21:09 Giles: Eddie can talk more once everyone gets to have a turn......
03:21:26 * DrMcCoy will let him at their private session. Oy.
03:21:38 DrMcCoy: "Then what happened?"
03:21:40 * Giles will not comment on anything Simon says.... Until it gets rediculous
03:21:40 * Eddie fidgets.
03:22:39 * I-44 is enjoying this session. He's learning so much.
03:23:04 * HarveyDent half-listens to the re-tellings, the other part of his attention on the Joker and his injuries. Ow.
03:24:16 Eddie: "Psst, Simon."
03:24:40 Simon: "He wasn't -moving-, he was just standing on there until I tried to take his keys, and then he went for my throat."
03:25:24 * DrMcCoy looks over to Giles.
03:25:56 Eddie: "You know it was fear gas, right, Simon?"
03:26:30 * Simon is glowering at Giles. "He tried to break my neck, fear gas or not."
03:26:33 * Giles says /nothing/
03:28:37 DrMcCoy: "As I understand it, Dr. Giles was affected too."
03:29:13 * Eddie is so bored, oh god.
03:29:42 * Simon shrugs. Doesn't care.
03:29:52 Giles: "Simon can continue to tell the events as he remembers them." So calm it's worrying
03:30:28 * DrMcCoy knows that kind of calm, and -is,- just a little bit. "Go on, then."
03:31:19 Simon: "I had to knock him out and then I -didn't kill him- and I could have, and there was someone in the ceiling, and then he woke up and wouldn't believe me about the fire. And I had to leave and I -had- to take him with me, so I tried. I lost."
03:31:46 * Eddie looks over at Luke. There are still two other people who need to talk after this. Send. Help.
03:32:50 * DrMcCoy gives him a patient look back. You had your turn. If you -really- need to get out, say you need to go to the bathroom or something.
03:33:17 * Eddie doesn't have to, and thus that would be -lying-.
03:33:34 * DrMcCoy is sure he' smart enough to word it creatively.
03:34:01 DrMcCoy: "Lost a fight with him?"
03:34:31 * Simon nods. "And then Batman showed up." Glare at Eddie!
03:36:47 * Eddie smirks again.
03:36:58 * DrMcCoy nods. "Thank you, Mr. Garoux."
03:37:20 Eddie: "May I go get some water?"
03:39:04 * Giles seems to have no issue with Eddie getting water. Does Luke? The guards?
03:39:54 * DrMcCoy nods. "Of course." Eddie, have a guard. He will be your water-escort.
03:41:14 Giles: "Mr. Dent? If you would like to go next?"
03:41:56 * Eddie goes with the guard to get water!
03:43:43 * I-44 is very attentive to what Harvey might have to say!
03:44:51 * HarveyDent nods, and sits up straighter. "I don't really remember most of it. I went out in the hall with the guard, and -- I think I smelled something chemical. Next thing I know, I'm being kicked in the face by an orderly." He gestures with his cuffed hands to his face.
03:45:56 * Giles must ask. "How... had you fallen?"
03:47:59 * HarveyDent shakes his head. "He was up in the ceiling. Fear-gassed. I tried to talk him down, but he wouldn't. So I went on."
03:49:26 Simon: "It was Dib, right? I thought I saw Dib up there."
03:51:33 * HarveyDent nods. "Yeah."
03:51:57 * DrMcCoy thinks this is interesting. "You all know him?"
03:52:17 * DrMcCoy may have to talk to House about getting a new pet orderly.
03:52:32 Simon: "He's worked our hall. He's been switching out my drugs."
03:54:18 * HarveyDent is used to this... "I've seen him around. Good kid."
03:54:57 Giles: This is news to Giles. "He's /what/?"
03:55:40 Simon: "They used to be blue, and now they're orange, and there's a new vitamin." These are actually the changes Giles made. Simon's just Paranoid.
03:56:46 * Eddie comes back in, looking marginally less antsy.
03:56:50 * Giles will recognise those changes, because he got a notice about it from an orderly named D. Membrane.....
03:58:00 DrMcCoy: "Go on, Mr. Dent?"
03:59:25 * HarveyDent nods. "After that, I kept walking until I found Dr. Drake in one of the other group rooms, passed out. I woke her up, and stayed with her, talking, until Batman came."
04:01:02 I-44: "I wonder how much you /forgot/."
04:01:22 * Simon looks up at McCoy. "Did anyone die?"
04:02:04 * HarveyDent fidgets with his coin. "I had a couple of tasers, a can of mace, and a keycard with me when I came to, so..." Awkward shrug. Who knows.
04:04:44 DrMcCoy: "Two patients and one staff member. The tapes will have to be checked more thoroughly before we know whether or not Mr. Dent was responsible for any of those."
04:04:48 * Giles will give Simon another look. This one is much more 'you are not being appropriate'.
04:05:39 * Simon hunches his shoulders. "I wasn't asking who did it."
04:07:45 * HarveyDent makes a face. Nngh. Again. "Any other questions?"
04:12:28 * I-44 has questions, but all about things Harvey can't remember.
04:13:04 Giles: "No, that will be fine Mr. Dent. Would you like to begin, Mr....." Crap, Giles hasn't make a nickname for I-44 yet.
04:15:09 * DrMcCoy does not look forward to this one.
04:16:52 * I-44 smiles at the loss for a name. "I was with Dr. McCoy for a..ah..check of my wounds. I could smell the gas. Too quick acting to tell anyone, though...if I would have..." Might have. Who knows.
04:17:32 I-44: "Hallucinations were interesting. More of a /problem/ for the doctor, I think." He smirks.
04:18:34 HarveyDent: ((testing, windows rearranged))
04:18:52 * Eddie looks over at Luke and frowns.
04:19:18 * Simon scootches his chair forward.
04:19:25 * DrMcCoy gives him a flat look. "And what did you see, exactly?" It's nice to know he did see -something,- at least. Too late to stop that rumor, though.
04:21:17 I-44: "Ohhhhh the usual. Just more. Louder." He smirks. No secrets for you. Not today. Probably.
04:22:26 DrMcCoy: "And I'm Napoleon."
04:23:53 I-44: "No. You were on a /plane/, remember?" He smiles. "... When our guard ran in terror, well, I was the only one left to help." He shrugs and looks to Dr. McCoy.
04:24:12 * Giles will just stare straight ahead. It's easier to control his expression that way.
04:24:52 * Simon glances at Joker, then McCoy, but it's Giles he's really watching.
04:26:11 DrMcCoy: "And you came dashing to the rescue. Go on. -Please.-"
04:26:26 * Eddie smiles slightly at Luke.
04:26:43 * DrMcCoy seems to deal with the Joker about the same way he deals with House. Draw your own conclusions.
04:28:54 I-44: "I took what I needed from the infirmary... supplies for surviving a riot....and for if I decided to leave. The doctor had unil we reached the doors to talk me into continuing my stay in your..ah...fine establishment." His smile looks less amused.
04:29:56 * Eddie kinda wants to shoot this guy again.
04:30:10 I-44: "We were doing real well, I think... At least until we ran into the ladies on their way /out/. ... They weren't very friendly. ... Batman was less friendly. Didn't even say /hi/ first."
04:30:42 HarveyDent: "What happened with the girls?"
04:30:56 * Giles cannot imagine why anyone wouldn't be friendly towards the Joker..... Really.
04:32:03 * HarveyDent is surprised that Harley wasn't, anyway. (And isn't one to talk, himself.)
04:33:29 I-44: "The redhead...Isley... ah... she was /scared/. Panicking. Harley was helping her. They had /hurt/ someone. A lot of blood on sweet little Harleen. Heh... I thought I might tag along. Share supplies and plans, hmm? But Harley seems to be /tired/ of me. Said I'm not nice to her. ... I decided to show her the difference between when I'm nice and....not."
04:33:41 I-44: "Then Batman interupted. ..."
04:34:05 Simon: "And he stopped you and not them?"
04:34:17 Giles: Thank God for Batman. Or Giles might not have a patient.....
04:35:29 HarveyDent: "Are you surprised?"
04:37:34 I-44: "...I was more important.." He smiles, more sincere and a little smug.
04:37:47 * Simon hehs.
04:39:03 * Eddie leans forward slightly.
04:39:58 * Giles can see what might become a battle of ego's forming.....
04:40:05 DrMcCoy: "Important enough to nearly split your skull in two again." God.
04:41:31 * DrMcCoy gives Giles a look. Do we want to risk opening the floor to open discussion, or just send them back?
04:41:33 * Eddie 's expression darkens. This guy's brain is already practically pudding. Why doesn't -he- get the brain rot?
04:41:47 * I-44 looks very seriously at Dr.McCoy. Yes. Obviously. Important enough to kill.
04:41:54 Simon: "Well, that's what the costumed freaks -do.-"
04:44:02 * Giles wants to open the floor. Because he wants to see the patient interaction. But he also sees how that could be bad.... Hmmm
04:44:32 * DrMcCoy supposes that having Dent flip for it would be a poor idea.
04:45:43 * Giles well, they're not his doct.... Yes it would be bad
04:47:00 * Eddie bites his lip.
04:47:53 Giles: "Now, I suppose we can open the floor to any questions you have. Of each other.. Or us?" That wasn't supposed to be a question, but Giles forgot to check with Luke first....
04:48:34 * DrMcCoy is fine with it, but you owe him a drink.
04:49:04 I-44: "I -for one- enjoyed the free time."
04:49:07 * Simon would raise a hand if he could. "What did -you- see, Doc?" To Giles!
04:49:24 * Giles will get Luke a drink. As long as it's not some bastardization of good tea...
04:49:57 Giles: "I didn't see anything, actually. I just didn't feel like myself." Evading the question. Maybe.
04:50:18 * DrMcCoy thinks Giles doesn't know a damn thing about 'good' tea. -MIlk,- seriously?
04:50:38 Simon: "What did you feel like?"
04:54:35 * Giles does not want to answer that, really. More evasion? "Like I was tied up. And then, somehow I was....." Who did that, hmm?
04:55:12 * HarveyDent looks amused. Oh, doctor. You are so in over your head.
04:55:34 * Simon grins. "Not wearing a tie today?"
04:55:51 Giles: "Still wearing your jacket, I see..."
04:56:07 Simon: "It's warm."
04:56:28 * Eddie is still and not bouncy, now, but not paying too much attention to the exchange.
04:57:03 * HarveyDent 's attention has started to drift too, looking up at the ceiling, over at the Joker, over at Eddie, back at the ceiling...
04:58:28 Giles: To bad there's no one in the ceiling to come entertain Harvey.
04:58:44 HarveyDent: Or kick him in the face again.
04:59:43 DrMcCoy: Moving -on.- "Anyone else? Questions?"
05:00:00 * Eddie shouldn't have spoken up about what he did to help, around these people, but the need for acknowledgment overshadowed any other considerations he had. Joker likely is going to try to kill him, at some point. Getting out of this still won't cure him.
05:00:49 I-44: "What would you have done if I had tried to leave here, Dr. McCoy?"
05:03:06 * Eddie looks over at Luke, again. 'Get me out of here' expression is more serious, this time.
05:03:52 * DrMcCoy considers this, and answers carefully. "Depends on what there was available, I suppose. Might not have managed to keep you here, but I would have tried." He sees that look, Eddie, makes eye contact. Just a few more minutes. They have to close this out, nice and tidy. "Anyone else?"
05:04:33 HarveyDent: "If you find out what I did -- on camera, or anyone saying anything -- will you let me know?"
05:05:51 Giles: "I don't think that would be a problem. I'm sure Dr. Drake is working on that as well." He hopes, at least.
05:06:23 * HarveyDent nods. "Thank you."
05:07:51 * Eddie waits, quietly.
05:08:03 DrMcCoy: "Anyone else?" Can they go now?
05:08:31 * DrMcCoy supposes that means Simon doesn't have any other questions...
05:08:39 * Simon has no more, no.
05:08:51 I-44: "This was fun. Can I be invited back?" Innocent smile?
05:10:02 Giles: Oh they can go. So much going. "That will be up to your regular therapist, I think." Giles will bribe them to keep him away.
05:10:42 * DrMcCoy gives him that look, again. "We'll get you all back to your rooms, then. Eddie, give me half an hour to geth things straight, and we'll have your session."
05:11:31 Simon: "Can I have some library time? I would like a book to read."
05:11:39 * Eddie nods, and summons up a little smile, too.
05:11:53 * I-44 is starting to think Dr.McCoy should be his doctor and his therapist. That guy's fun.
05:12:56 * DrMcCoy smiles back. And would sooner skydive, Johnny.
05:13:04 * Giles debates..... "Yes, you can Simon." Which means eventually Giles will stop being annoyed with you.
05:13:12 * Simon beams.
05:14:20 DrMcCoy: Guards and taking-away, it happens!
05:15:57 * Giles is going to go back to not-face palming, for a moment. And then clean his glasses.
05:16:41 * DrMcCoy will, once the patients are out of the room, turn on Giles. "How're those healing up?" He gestures to the damage he sustained in the riot.
05:18:23 Giles: "They seem to be coming along fine. I got to have several /lovely/ shots...." They were not lovely at all.
05:19:54 * DrMcCoy will invade your personal space to get a better look, hi. He clucks his tongue. "Tetanus is a treat. Got those when I was twelve, roof of a rusty old truck fell in."
05:20:49 Giles: But that's Giles personal space. He's using it for his person. "I hadn't had the pleasure before..."
05:23:14 DrMcCoy: "Well, now you have." Everything's to his satisfaction, so Giles gets a light slap on the shoulder that -isn't- attached to the cut arm. "Keep 'em clean, change the bandages, you know the drill."
05:24:27 Giles: "Yes, I will. Now, who do we have to /thank/ for Patient I-44?" Giles will stand a prepare to leave to possibly /thank/ them right now....
05:28:07 DrMcCoy: "Dr. Drake's his therapist, but it wasn't her that sent him down, 'less I missed something big. That's apparently some kind of order from higher up." He makes a face. Oh, bureaucracy.
05:29:48 * Giles smash bureaucracy. Or glare at it. More glaring, less smashing.
05:31:04 * DrMcCoy shrugs. "Buck up. Only a few more hours 'til we're out for the day."
05:33:38 Giles: "True, very true."
05:36:42 * DrMcCoy gets an Idea, and his face lights up. "Hell, you drink? I can see if any of the other doctors are game for going out and celebrating our survival."
05:39:38 * Giles likes this plan. But he's seen how American's 'drink'. "Celebration is in order, yes..."
05:41:26 * DrMcCoy claps his hands, and rubs them together gleefully. "Excellent. I'll meet up with you in the staff lounge at the end of the day, tell you how it goes. I gotta go deal with Nigma, now."
05:42:11 * Giles will give Luke a pitying look. At least his patients only try to eat him.
05:43:06 DrMcCoy: me shrugs, apparently unconcerned. A smile. "Good luck." And he's off! To hide somewhere quiet, before the word-storm.

myownluck, [arkham], edsidlemirth, [group therapy], ha_in_havoc, [log], notatvcharacter, onlynothuman, bovril_and_book

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