(no subject)

Jun 16, 2009 18:56

From: cadavre.exquis@notgmail.com

Subject: mission accomplished

mommy sends her love.

balance owed: $300

Attached: psychobitch.avi

The attached video file is poor quality black and white, filmed with an ultrasmall video camera hidden in Picknan's sleeve. There's audio, though it's also quite poor.

Sarah Connor apparently receives the news of her son's nuptials as well as anyone expected her to. The flailing and the wild camera angles at the end make it hard to tell what's going on, but the screaming you bijh, you fugking psygho cuht before the guards manage to pull her off of Pickman seem to indicated that she at least got a good one in on his nose. At the very least.

paintfromlife, afromp, samsonydelilah

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