I was feeling like such ass yesterday that I made the executive decision to take the day off work. I really don't want to be sick at dinner tonight with the awesome
zaftigvegan or for our upcoming trip. So even though I think I'm mostly recovered, I'm going to take it easy today.
Works been going pretty well, though a bit stressful. The place we're working on in Deep Cove really needs to be stopped from sliding into the ocean and we've had the elements working against us. As of Monday, water, air, and earth can all be checked off the "Elements That Are Trying To Fuck Us Up" list. Between mudslides, massive groundwater outflow, rising tides, and gale force winds that quite literally ripped the 50' by 60' tarp on our backyard-covering tent to tatters and record breaking rainfall has made this exciting. Plus the whole thing is on a very steep yard that makes everything twice as much work as it should be. It's been exciting. We need to get the main retaining wall poured before we stop for the holidays, so there's been a push to get it done. So I feel kind of bad to be at home when I could be helping, but I know that it's better this way.
I've got a couple of errands to take care of here today, but nothing major and nothing that should take very long at all. Which is awesome, because I'm supposed to be resting.
I think I'm going to look into my third year classes today and maybe get on the waiting list. I've got my apprentice number now, so I should be able to get stuff moving.