Well, I'm not needed at school today, which is kind of nice.
We've been pretty busy there recently, so it nice to have a break. But, this also means that I'm at a loss as to what to do with most of my time to myself. I've done some tidying and stuff around the apartment and spent too much time online already. I don't really want to start on dinner and more dishes yet, so I'm kind of just killing time.
I had a nice long weekend. Friday we saw the new Superman (which I really enjoyed much more than I expected to), Saturday we went to the farmer's market and had a picnic with some wonderful friends. Sunday was a pretty low key day and the evening was spent playing games at our upstairs neighbour's place. I came really close to winning Risk (it came down to a one on one situation) and then we had people over for dinner last night.
So we've been pretty busy, but not so much that it's felt super crazy busy. That's the way it should be.
I read an interesting parkour article
here the other day, talking about how many people lose sight of the goal of doing something like parkour, which is not to make money, impress your friends, look cool or try to be just like someone else. It's too learn more about your body, it's abilities and limitations, how to use it more effectively, as well as taking the idea of overcoming obstacles and applying it to other aspects of your life.
I liked what it had to say for the most part and found the video they linked to very interesting. In it, the founder of parkour is shown getting ready to do a fairly simple (for him) jump and then shows that when he goes to do it, he catches his foot and hits and slides down the opposing wall. This incedent is apparently what cheered him up that day, becuase it reminded him that this is what real life was and how that reality is what strives for.
Cool stuff.
Anyway, time to get off this thing for a while, methinks.