Nov 05, 2006 11:35
Ahahaha, LJ, oh you fail. XD At least you're back now. Yesterday's report coming up a bit late~ I did pretty good, I think.
The Best of the Day: "'Such denial, such denial. Will you really have the time for such denial? Avast elixir den a lee. You really don’t have the time for that.'"
Sugar/Caffeine had: One square of dark chocolate, one yohgurt-flavored Hi-Chew
Sanity: What do you think? :D
Word Count (Daily): 2,525
Word Count (Total): 9,079
On a different note, here is when I gloat. Becuase for several years now, I've been reprimanded countless times for using too convoluted and twisted a writing style, but see, for NaNo, I can ramble on about a single bush for half a page and blow up my word count. So HA!! HA TO ALL MY ENGLISH TEACHERS!!!
I'm also moving through chapters like a wildfire. :x 19 pages with eight chapters? I suck. XD;;
daily report