New Job

Jan 13, 2006 08:39

Yaaaaaaaaaaay, I got the job!!! I will be working at the same place that my husband works, only in a totally different department! I was offered a front desk receptionist position!

Lol, unfortunately I got the call at 7:30 this morning so my plans of sleeping in were ruined ...but I will get over it!!  I start on Monday, and I am kinda glad and kinda sad because I was enjoying my time off (I have been without a job for 2 weeks now).  However, the novelty of being on "vacation" is beginning to wear off, so it makes the timing even better!! The really good thing is (I am not sure though) that I will be starting on an off Friday week. Meaning I will get off a bit early on Thursday and be off all day on Friday!!!

Now I just need to start looking for places for us to live!! We are planing to move at the end of February, but I am not worried yet. I will be worried if we get half way through February and we still haven't found a place though!!!

My foot is getting better as well! The doctor took off the semi-hard cast and is just keeping me in ace bandages and the surgical boot. I have to go back in for X-Rays in 2 weeks...that's 1 week extra from when we first thought, but my foot wasn't healing quickly enough. Stupid foot! lol. Hopefully when I go back in everything will be fine!

Anywho, I have to take a drug test today (oh the fun). So I hope that everybody has a great day!!!
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