It's the first of Feburary! This month I'm going to start fresh and return to my previous Livejournal schedule. So what happened during my three month absense... well, the world may never know.
A couple of things to mention first off it is official too late for me to do
this. I had found out about it over Christmas break and had spent a month trying to get a yes out of my parents. It bounced from a "maybe" to a "we'll see," to a "forget it," to a "sure, why not" to "forget about it" -again, and then back to a "maybe." Ultimatelt it was a no and too much time passes leaving no time for me do get certain criteria. I probably wouldn't have been accepted anyway. I still wonder. The main reason was the cost, we could afford it but we are a little tight on cash, and it would be a real big waste if I didn't go into that major so I'll be here all summer doing nothing.
Yestarday I went to the mall with my mum in my sister because she had coupon of sorts that would only be valid today. I ended up geting three sirts of my own, and wanna know a deep dark dirty secret.... one of them is from American Eagle *gasp* shhh! don't tell. Technically I got one of the shirts at Target which we went to on the way home, I played Mario Kart for awhile in their.
Today, just half an hour ago Heather returned home. She brought her XBox Disco, that's its name, over and she owned me at Halo I am her newbie bitch, actually the sad part it she'll be doing this for an official year this sunday superbowl sunday which will be spent at her house like last year. Then we watched The Labrynth, I lurve that movie. Boogie down with the Wild Gang! I could tell it wasn't Heather prefered movie type but she enjoyed it some what or at least enjoyed my awesome singing. I had fun, Jackie was supposed to come over today too, and it would be the three of us but she couldn't. She had guard practice. Annnnnnnnnnnd that's it! I gots math stuff to do.
Look everybody I'm acyually doing it!
Yeah I guess I was tired because I've slept from about the time I came home till dinner, by the way the only bit of it I ate was the brussel sprouts, the other stuff didn't 'look' right. Not very fufuilling, bu I'm fine. I read the first 13 Chpt's of Watership Down (for my own enjoyment.) I'm straying ab it from my normal sci-fi fantasy stuff. By the way it's a VERY good book, so far at least.
Ummm I ordered a bunch of crap off of Amazon. Despite me being a sloth today I was actually pretty productive I finished all my homework and just got out of the bath and am currently smelling like purtty soap. I kicked my Chemistry quiz's ass, but I'm not so sure about the trig quiz, technically it was only half the quiz but o well. More suprisingly I'm sticking to my livejouranl schedule. Enjoyable too, I finished both the sudoku puzzles before anyone else in my history class and got to gloat. Woo-hoo! My bud Ryan heard or rather read, it's on my myspace profile, that I am undefeated in thumb war, I think it's on the list of things about me I have somewhere in my livejournal too. So he decided to challange me, the fool.
His hands are nearly twice as big as mine, and he thought it was an easy battle. I will admit he was a challenge, and we were in our little wheely computer chairs so we ended up pulling and pushing each other around the room a bit.
I ended up getting him with a suprise attck and used my Iron grip to hold it for 10 seconds and won.
He was all like "Holy toads toes, batman!"
and I was all like "That'll teach ya! GRR"
-Now I must go and read my comics, Ta!
This will be short gotta babysit soon from 6 - ?
Besides not alot went down today.
Took the other half of the trig quiz.. still eh.
Got a 100 on the stoichiometry (sp?) quiz though. Boo-yah!
And I think I'm officially in lust.
Thank god it's Friday!
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah... and that's how the day went.
Okay I lied about yesterdat it was actually intresting today was too, problem is it probably wouldn't be interesting to you, but if your massochistic and looking for a new form of self torture you can read about it elsewhere.
Fairly decent for a monday, nothing remarkable but a good day. Tommorow should be interesting.
Ok, now you may wonder why this day should be interesting, well most of you may noe, that today was designated for alll the ninth and tenth graders to write an essay for florida testing. Clay writes or FCAT depending on the grade. This activity is supposed to end at third peroid (it's a six period day) and actually it went even beyond that. Know as a junior I don't have an essays ot tests to write, ther is no point or reason for me to attend yet I did anyway.
1. I needed to go somewhere, the library after school and it would have been easier to walk from the school needed me to be there.
2. I had nothing better to do.
3. I didn't want to be stuck at home and later on my sick sister who was checked out after the essay part.
I could have been signed it, at the time Mel was checked out, but I dislike my grandma, I hate asking her for favors, and I hate being in a car with her we get into such arguments in one, anywhere alse I an keep my cool onger and we both have more control.
So, I brought a pillow with me, turned out I was the only one in my homeroom, I rested for a while, got bored, actually did the SAT activity they had taking break to rest. Slept, read Watership Down a little.
In forth period I tried lining up three desks to sleep acroww, I've done this before with regular chairs that don't have a desk attached and it's much easier that way. I actaully did manage to get comfortable but the moving around of desk and activity left me not tired. HA! So I sat up and made fun of Michael's choice in music.
2/8 & 9
I didn't have time to log on livejournal either of these two days. I was so tired, and had a lot of homework that I didn't get a chance to do m,uch of anything fun really. I didn't read my book, or play my new game. The only time I watched TV was when I was falling asleep. I was on the internet only long enough to check my e-mail and raed my comics. On the ninth I wasn't on at all, and I had to babysit from 7-10. It wasn't that bad, had I not babysat I wouldn't have been so busy, it was only one girl, Erin, and although she's kin of wired very thickle too, I had a fun time, she was actually easy to watch. Her father whose an entologist (sp? - basically a bug doctor) is in the military. So they used to be stationed in egypt and she taught me how to say 'thank you' in arabic. It sounds like Shakron you gotta roll the R emphasize the SHHA! she said some other words too, I was very impressed.
Well this wasn't a very good day, you can read about in the post WARNING! I'm suffering form the melancholy. I was so looking forward too this day too, after two days of business, I was planning out what I do on the bus home had a pretty good schedule worked out, but I ha d to scrap it all due to the circumstances.