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The Kooler Kings. Экспресивненькие ребятки, в духе своего земляка Jamie T.
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KOOLER KINGS are a young exciting new band formed from the current emerging Wimbledon & SW London music scene, spear headed by Jamie T. & XFM DJ John Kennedy. The four members all met at The London Oratory school in Fulham & having grown up with musical influences in all their families decided to form a band. When the band played their first gig at The Watershed in Wimbledon, DJ John Kennedy saw them & immediately played them on his XFM radio show. The band were recently interviewed & filmed playing live for a docu-movie about the Reading festival due out on TV & Cinema in the next few months. Having written almost an album's worth of material, the band entered the studio to record their debut single. They are gigging extensively in London, especially Wimbledon where a dramatic new music scene for new bands is emerging.The band are currently represented by Brettpack Music - www.myspace.com/brettpack
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