Meme Monday! - Meme #6 - It was the best/worst meal you’d ever had.

May 28, 2012 09:37

It was the best/worst meal you’d ever had.

It was:
1 - made by someone you love
2 - at a greasy spoon
3 - you made it yourself
4 - at a fine restaurant
5 - ruined by bad company
6 - author’s choice

You were:
1 - teaching someone how to cook
2 - having a midnight snack
3 - totally surprised
4 - planning it for weeks
5 - afraid of getting food poisoning
6 - author’s choice

Please write your ficlet answering the main question. You are free to use any of the optional ideas. Optional really means optional here. Good luck and have fun.

The tag for this Meme is: (meme #6)
peter petrelli - tarnishedhero, (meme #6), fandom - heroes

Title/Subject format:
Meme #6 - It was the best/worst meal you’d ever had. - Sylar

The next Meme will be posted on Meme Monday!

(mod), (meme #6)

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