(no subject)

Jan 11, 2012 06:33

Hi everyone~

I'm an America [and France] rper whose been looking for someone to rp FrUS with. I've been told I'm generally pretty easy to get along with, and that my Alfred's pretty good, and the same about my France the times I've done him [which, admittedly, isn't all that often]. However, I can't seem to find anyone interested in rping FrUS, so I thought I'd give posting here a shot.

Setting-wise I'm pretty open minded, though I tend to prefer AU's a little more, and I'd love it if I could talk to my partner oocly as well. I'm also pretty open to the format it's done over.

If you're interested feel free to shoot me a pm, or hit me up on AIM [barcodeplot] MSN [awesometomato@rocketmail.com], or comment here! Though, if you do add me on msn, I ask that you let me know since it doesn't always like to tell me when someone's done that.

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