Dream ALive solos~

Mar 28, 2008 14:54

(Ok, it's either "Dream A Live" or "Dream Alive".. the subject is a compromise XD)

so, the solo list is out:
Ohno - Take Me Faraway
Nino - Gimmick Game
Aiba - Hello Goodbye
Jun - Naked
Sho - Hip Hop Boogie
thank you

before i listen to it, (downloading Hello Goodbye) i'm making predictions of what i think they're gonna sound like, K?

Take Me Far Away.. knowing Ohno, i bet it's gonna be a dance song like Top Secret.. but i'm hoping for a ballad that'll really show off his skills.

Gimmick Game.. it doesn't sound like it'll be a ballad like Niji or Konseki. i think it's gonna be Himitsu-ish? idk why, but it's giving a Song For Me vibe..

Hello Goodbye.. it sounds like a Friendship-ish kinda song.. didn't really like Friendship, though =/ oh! maybe it'll be a Namida no Nagaraboshi-type song. i can picture him playing the guitar singing a song with a title like "Hello Goodbye"..

Naked.. oh, gosh.. i'm guessing a W/ Me-type performance and song.

Hip Hop Boogie.. a rap-ballad? probably a dance song though.. but i bet it's gonna have a Sakurap. Sho's solos are really jazzy most of the time, though, like Yume de Ii Kara and Can't Let You Go.. i'm thinking Disco-ish like Step & Go combined with something Hip Hop like All or Nothing ~ver. 1.02~

OK, it's a really good song, first of all, and my prediction was pretty off. although there was guitar-playing, the tempo was really upbeat. it sounds really familiar, but idk what it reminds me of >__< it's not a JE song, i don't think..
Ahh! it's driving me crazy already~~

nino, aiba, arashi, ohno, matsujun, sho

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