Jan 19, 2008 21:06
Ok, so I've been obsessing over "Heroes" during the past weeks right. I do not think I have been this excited about a series since X-Files in the 90s. Anyways.. next to Mohinder Suresh, Noah Bennet/ Company Man/ HRG and Ando Masahashi, I obviously (icon *hint hint*) have a major thing for Sylar. Of course, crazy-assed psychopath he is - I dig it.
My point is.. I have been really looking forward to the new Star Trek movie. It's gonna be set in the classic universe with the whole original crew recast. Ever since I heard about it and saw pics of the new Spock my inner Trekkie has been jumping up and down the walls.
It only hit me now that Sylar and Spock are in fact played by the same actor. I predict some seriously crazy eye-brow action going on here.
So... those where my major non-news. Kind of sad to think that I could not be arsed to blog about my visits to Osaka and Kyoto, the 3 week Class trip to China, my trip to Ireland or the fact that I got a kick-ass Thesis placement at Daimler... Do you think I need to grow up? I don't think so...
P.S. But actually... Nakamura Hiro-kun rules them all