So I gave Dan Rice his Pokemon book back today. It is great fun. I read
through it and remembered how much fun it was to collect all those little
f'ers =]
So in physics Dan decides he wants to draw Picachu. Carbs walks over
and is like 'WTF' is that. He then starts flipping through the book:
Carbs: Are there any cool ones in here.
Me: Dude, check out Alakazam and Machoke.
Carbs: Those are pretty cool.
Carbs: (flips to Slowbro seen below) What the hell is this? Asschomper?
Everyone: Did he just say that (wil much laughing). Thats my quote of the week.
EDIT 1: Happy birthday to me in 4 days =]
EDIT 2: Spelling FTL =[