Ahh...looks like my lil' trip explorin' the island took longer than I expected. Been so dull 'round here I figured I'd do a lil' more walkin' than usual. Didn't think I'd come back ta find out I've been missin' out on all the fun. Almost thought I was seein' things when I came back ta find everyone so different lookin'. Guessin' everyone switchin' ages now and not just for only a week hm? Kinda wonder if I'll get lucky and get younger too~
[Filtered to those who know him]
As for what I discovered on my walk, if ya ask me, there ain't much out there. Although, I can't say I didn't appreciate the view. The sea was especially nice, a shame no one's out there enjoyin' it. Lately, it seems like some people here could really use some coolin' down...Then again, now probably ain't the right time seein' as how this place's got other plans for everyone right now.
[Private to self]
Guess I'll have ta wait a while in order ta put my lil' plan, I wanted use ta make things more interestin', away for a rainy day...or would it be sunny? I still need ta find a bucket too...
[Filtered to Izuru]
Ya wouldn't happen ta be affected are ya Izuru? I still owe ya that secret afterall, and I figured now would be a good time if ya aren't all young or old. Just come find me in my room when ya get the time. If I ain't there, look for me on the roof. Oh, and bring yer sword too~