
Jun 27, 2009 06:32

Title: Fallibility
Pairing: William Lennox/Mikaela Banes
Rating: PG-13
Summary: William Lennox abides by a stringent code of ethics, until Mikaela Banes comes along and unknowingly shatters his notions of right and wrong.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
A/N: This pairing has been on my mind since I saw the first Transformers during the summer of 2007. I've never liked Sam and Mikaela as a couple because Sam seemed too young and distracted to realize what love truly meant. I believe that Mikaela deserves better.
I wrote this story in a couple of hours and I'm not quite fond of its narrative voice, but I hope that you will give it a chance, despite its flaws.

It was something he'd never done before. Truly, honestly. Really. He was a man of honor; the code of ethics he adhered to was the foundation of his life, his work, his family. His men trusted him as a leader. His newborn daughter and his beautiful wife were the cruxes to his existence. He loved them and of course, he would love them for the rest of his mortal life.

This was before Mikaela Banes arrived.

She had a kind of beauty that he considered exotic and dangerous. She was young, much too young for him. And she had a way with mechanics that he found riveting and satisfying. A real turn-on. He liked her immediately. Her determination and her passion fitted her personality like the cogs of a machine, corresponding smoothly. She was perfect. The most perfect and flawless woman he'd ever met.

He wasn't thinking with his brain.

After all, he was only a man.

It started with mere innocence. They'd talk about their experiences with the Decepticons. It was an unusual way to break the ice, but it worked. Every time he ended his stories, she'd prod him with a glance to continue on and elaborate the tale. He couldn't refuse her. At times like these, he noticed the way they'd lock eyes for a few seconds, hers contained unanswered questions while his- His thoughts around her were unacceptable. Immoral. Lewd. Knowing this, he was always the first one to break contact. But his eyes would wander to the rest of her body as he contained his desires to himself. He felt guilty, of course. She probably noticed his shameless behavior, but not once did she dare mention it aloud. After that first incident, he tried his best to hide his curiosity and his weakness. It didn't work.

In all honesty, he knew that it wasn't her fault. She couldn't be the one to blame when he hugged her while she voiced problems regarding her boyfriend. It was an involuntary gesture. It was meant to be innocent, just a sign of friendship, one way to show that he understood her feelings and problems. She'd broken away instantly, stating that she had to go home, help her father, feed the dog. They were pathetic excuses, but he released her. He never saw her again for a while.

And then it happened a second time. Their lives crossed paths and this time around, it was hard to ignore his growing feelings for her. She'd said, "Sam and I aren't together anymore."

That was the catalyst.

He kissed her to soothe the pain of her broken heart. She pretended to be a tough girl, resisting his advances in the beginning. But it wasn't long until she gave up the last of the fight that was left in her. He was a commanding man, and his handsome looks only helped him along as he lusted for her. He wasn't one to lose the opportunity. He touched her lips to silence her protestations, whispering comforting words in her ear. His gentle hands began to wander across her body, reveling in her beautiful figure. He clutched her dark tresses and buried his face in her smooth neck, his hands finally settling to her hips.

It was then that she decided to return his kisses.

His wife never found out about it. It was only a kiss (or two or three) and wandering hands and lustful glimpses. Nothing more. Their dignities were left partially intact. She reminded him of the wife and child that he was neglecting when he paused to think about his actions. His code of ethics had no say in his deceitful behavior. He silenced his mind's cry for morality and justice as he held Mikaela in his arms, kissing her yet again.

fic: william lennox/mikaela banes

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