So Hard to Say GoodBye...

Aug 20, 2005 22:02

Last night...

Last night was the hardest night of my life. I had to say goodbye to the people that were always there. The ppl that own all my memories. I have never cried so much in my life. Those kids are more then friends. They are more then famliy. Watchin Ryan drive away with his hand out the window waving, and then as soon as I cuoldnt see his car anymroe, he calls me crying. Making sure that I would keep in touch. Ive known that kid since 1st grade. I remember jumping off the junglegym with him, just trying to impress the ladies. B)

Then Brad, god this year, I really grew close to him. The best memory I have in my life, was because of that kid. I really love em.

Chad left without saying goodbye because he said he didnt want to have to add another noe to the list because I was already a wreck. So he showed up at my huose at 7:30 in the a.m. Just to say bye. I spent over half my summer in his house, eatin taco bell and watchin movies. I took it for granted.

Finally Cass....
What can I possibly say. With the regrets of sounding like a bitch, I love that kid more then life itself. For 5 yrs, he came over every day, and we did absolutly nuthin....And I had the best time of my life. Honestly, I couldnt make up a beter friend. I cant count the number of times, I called Cass in need of a friend, and he was there in a blink of an eye. Put in the simplest terms... He's just always been there

If I had the chance to make up my own friends. They wouldnt come close to these guys. I cant ever thank them enough for everything they've done for me.

Never Goodbye...

See You Later

Were gonna stay 18 forever
So we can stay like this forever.
And we'll never miss a party cuz we keep them goin constantly.
And we'll never have to listen to anyone, about anything..
Cuz its all been done, and its all been said,
And we take what we can get...

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