New Account

Sep 27, 2007 20:08

hey ppls.

For the past couple weeks I've been thinking about getting a new lj account, an easier task than changing names for the poor high school student(me), but I've been having trouble coming up with a name.

Finally yesterday I sat down and came up with a list of names to try, I typed them in the search box only to find that they were all taken. In a sudden flash of genius I thought of this icon. I'm pretty sure it's taken from the movies Dead Poets Society (if you haven't seen it go rent it now).

It says I want to do more than just exist (yes, I know most of you can read, I'm just saying this for everyone else's benifit). I've said this quote to myself and to others on multiple occations so it seemed to fit, and when I typed it in the search box it actually came up as no results found. I created the account immediatly so no one could take it from me, therefore, my new account is morethanexist.


A little warning that I have no posts up yet, and the only icon I've put in is the default (the one I'm using now), but I'm working on it. I'll probably post something tomarrow, most likely my reaction to tonight's CSI.

I'd love to have you all on my f-list again, but random person you don't really know friending you? A little awkward, and while still fiddling around with the settings it would make my life so much easier if you guys would friend me then I friend back.

So there you have it. New account. Now, to choose a perfect new background.


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