Jul 12, 2007 15:31
I'm home, back to boring old new jersey.
I'm still really loving all these pins that I got at a craft fair in Milwalke. I originally got five, four to give away and four to keep, but I think I'm going to wind up keeping them all. Not to mention the three that I got from the sox game and the two map ones I stole from my mom. The map ones are really cool, you could get them custom made from the maps they had there.
I'm working through Le Mis very slowly. I've assined myself to read an hour evey day and I'm still only on Book one. I think this book is going to make me go nuts. Especially since I haven't even started Crime and Punishment yet.
I found out yesterday that I get only one day to transition between camp and vacation. Are you kidding me? When we went away for not even two weeks I came back to pages worth of email that I'm still trying tup update myself on. And that was with being able to go through and delete ones that I didn't need periodicly. That hotel had better have a computer.
le miz