Jun 07, 2007 21:32
I hate studying for exams. It's a pain. I have a huge-ass stack of flash cards, there must be at least 100 cards. Maybe. I hope whoever invented flash cards went to hell. Oh but which layer of hell? I don't care, as long as it's deep. So the level for treason? That low enough? Shut up. I'm talking to myself! Help!!
I'm re watching the Keppy dies episode of CSI. I must say, it's brilliantly shot.
Yesterday on American Inventor there was the same guy from last year he had these blue blobs that had cutsy little sleepy eyes and a big smile it had big arms to hug you and when you pressed it's toes it said to you, "everything is going to be alright". OMG. If this is what society is coming to then everything is deffinatly NOT going to be alright!
american inventor