Oct 04, 2006 23:20
Oh, heavens...
So Jon and I went to Love Stuff to get a bday gift for someone [gift certificate] and the lady behind the counter outright asks me if I'm looking for a job.
My eyes almost bulged the hell out of there sockets cause I thought she was gona ask me to model some stuff! Eeeew!
Then she said they need people to work like...one day a week so I asked her how much and she claimed it'd be $7.50...that I had seemed very personable...some people just can't handle selling a dildo BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH.
Well I got the number to the store and I was interested because who the hell can say they sold a dildo today at work you know? One day a week? Shit I can do that...
Jon wasn't having it though and he pointed out that since they close at midnight there is no guarantee that I would be safe...
Oh well...it was an amusing thought for the time being. My black hair's gettin' me some attention! Oh!
Jon and I ate and rented some movies after that [Poseidon, The Sentinel, and a Jackie Chan movie] After watching Poseidon....awesome movie....we both slept FROM 6:45 TO 10:30!!!
...We must be getting terribly old if we have to sleep like that...and I'm still tired!
Well I'm gona finish my totally awesome soup and then I'm headin' to bed, bitches. Holla!