Dec 21, 2004 22:46
Today was sort of eventful :) i had practice at 8. aaron was my wake up call. he's like "wake your ass up" hehe* it was a good workout. i got tired easily which is weird. and my flippers gave me a blister :( ouccch. me and rollie left practice an hour early cause we're peelers :P then he dropped me off at claudia's and she was still asleep. so we watched STUCK ON YOU, she took a shower, i took a nap. then we were hungry and raided her kitched. we ate, a left over burger from McDonalds, tamales & boiled eggs. then i had a lot of candy :D then aaron called and we invited him over and he showed up a while later. so it was just the three of us & we were watching tv and stuff. he tickled me and i was gonna kick him! lol. i hate being tickled cause it tickles :P so then my brother called and said that he was picking me up cause my daddy wanted to see us. so we went to my cousins house [adam & aj] i hadn't talked to them in a while so yay! and i saw my daddy and everyone. all the little cousins. there's so many & even two i didn't know about. lol. i hadn't been there in forever! they're so cute though <3 then my brother had this brilliant idea to play a video game with aj and i was bored so i fell asleep. then he went to target & i went with jim to his grandma's house for his uncle's birthday. we left at 10 and we got in this dumb fight over something very dumb. and i blame him cause he's the one who got mad at me about it. wanna know? ok, cause he was gonna stop to put gas and my mom was already mad at me cause she wanted me home earier. so i called her and jim kept on telling me to tell her that we were stopping to get ice cause his mom needed it and i was like WHY? like, i didn't see the point? so i told my mom that we were gonna put gas like we were really doing. then jim got all mad and was like "why don't you ever listen to me?! you're so stubborn & now you're mom's mad..." blah blah blah. and im like WHOA WTF? lol. he like blew up! and then his mom called and said that she needed toilet paper and for him to stop right now. and jim told her that he would do it after he left from my house but i guess she got mad and she was like NEVERMIND JUST DROP HER OFF AND COME STRAIGHT HOME. so jim blamed MEEEE for HIS mom getting mad at him. hes like "you see if you told your mom that we were stopping to get ice then none of our moms would me mad blah blah blah." and im like ok? it's my fault.? whatever. and he keeps on talking and talking and talking about how im stubborn and never listen and how i always have to have the last word and how i can be sarcastic but he cant and all this bullshit. and i was already getting tired of it so i was like ok im just gonna ignore him and shut up. but then that got him mad too. arrgghhh. lol. so i started laughing cause this van next to us stopped and made like a buzzing noise and i thought it was funny and then he started to call me weird. and i decided to push his buttons :D he would change the radio station and i would change it back to the cd and he got mad and started slapping my hand everytime i did and when he did that it would mess up all those little speaker control things so he got mad. lol. then when he dropped me off he was like "I HATE YOU!!" so i was like "FUCK YOU!" and thats our BIG fight over something LITTLE. ugh. and then he kept on calling me but i never answered. then i finally did and i told him that i was gonna watch a movie and he got mad and hung up. lol. goliee. but whatever :P
i'm out. we bought napoleon dynamite & it's my new love so i'm about to watch it <3
goodnight :]