(no subject)

Jan 18, 2009 18:08

I'm back! Hullo!
1. Very annoying being without internet right when the new Doctor is announced, I was looking forward to watching it with every one else. On the other hand, at least now I have a bigger range of opinions and reactions to chose from other than "OMG! He's too [insert problem here]".
I... like him? I mean, I haven't seen Party Animals or anything, so I can't even tell you what I think about his acting ability, but, I like him; I think I've watched the confidential more than a couple of times now and he is adorable and I loved the way he talked about acting and constructing a character and about the show in general. Can't wait for 2010!
2. I also watched The Next Doctor and it was completely different from the audio story and from anything we imagined, so bonus point for that, but, well, the plot didn't make much sense, did it?
I mean, I'm the type of person who doesn't even pay attention to plot most of the times; I care more about the characters than anything and even I was all "...buh?" at the end.
Still, it was enjoyable and Jakson Lake rocks and I want Mercy's necklace. So, yeah.
3. I'm thinking of changing the layout on this journal. Again. I know, I know, it's just that, amazing as this one is, it cuts photos and banners in half (like on that post with Shaun of the Dead's banners and that's irritating. So:
a) is there a way to fix it?
b) can you guys recommend some layout's communities for me to look at?
4) I finally got in the school I wanted! Sure, it took me two years to just figure out what I wanted to be when I grow up in the fisrt place, and then two years studying to pass the vestibular, but hey, better later than never, right? And I still maintain that the reason I didn't get in last year was because when it came to writing the essay, I wrote what I wanted to write and this year, I wrote what they wanted to read. I still like some of the points I made this year and the fact that the whole thing came from nowhere, but it still felt contrived to me. But, then again, what do I know, right?
5) I have a bunch of icons to post, but I'll wait till a have more, so:
a) any ideas what movies/tv shows/people I should make icons of?
b) I want to learn how to make animated icons, any pointers for good tutorials?
6) Also, I hate Summer, It's all sticky and sweaty and not in a good way. I would kill for some rain right now.
7) My 4 ... 3? years-old nephew, this Christmas, finally confronted one of his fears: he's not scared of Santa Claus anymore.

fandom: doctor who, randomicity, help! i'm internet challenged, dear diary

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