Interval, part 2

Jan 18, 2009 09:14

( I am the one-winged bird for flying, sinking quickly to the ground )
She couldn't say how long she's been here, bodiless, clinging to her little manufactured island of stability in this space and time outside of space and time. It doesn't matter, really. What's time to a dead woman?
( see your faith in me subsiding, see you prime for giving in )
All she knows is that, suddenly, something has changed. Something is calling out to her. Something vast and utterly inhuman. It doesn't use words, or anything that even remotely resembles language, but the meaning is clear.
( I give you all that I am )
It is time. Return to us.
( I am the sound of love's arriving echoed softly on the sand )
She 'looks' up and out. Even here, she is aware of the infinite multiverse waiting outside of this little pocket of spacetime, and trembles at the thought of facing it again. i don't know where to go.
( lay your head upon my shoulder, lay your hand within my hand )
Have no fear. We will guide you.
( I give you all that I am )
The inhuman presence reaches out and gently cradles her in a thousand tendrils of energy, lifting her away from her island into the great weave of the tapestry. Those same energies shield her from the chaos around her, clearing a path back to the place from whence she came.
( and I breathe where you breathe )
From whence she came...
( let me stand where you stand )
There's an empty space ahead of her, a receptacle waiting to be filled, as familiar and comforting as a childhood home. But at the threshhold... there's a barrier, there. Not impassable, but one that will put an enormous strain on her already threadbare being.
( with all that I am )
She knows, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that she won't survive the process of traveling through that barrier.
( I am the white dove for a soldier ever marching as to war )
She shies away from it, pushing back into the threads supporting her. i can't, she would wail if she had lungs to do it with. i can't do it i won't make it i'm sorry...
( I would give my life to save you, I stand guarding at your door )
It is true. Sad acknowledgment radiates from the presence around her. Then: Your weave must be strengthened first.
( I give you all that I am )
( I am the one-winged bird for flying, sinking quickly to the ground )
It will be woven with another.
( I am the blind man for a watchdog, I am prime for giving in )
And now there's another presence, one so achingly familiar that she's drawing toward it before it even begins to 'speak.'
( I'll show you all that I am )
I love you, Alyx. More than I've ever loved anyone in my life. I can't go on without you. I don't want to go on without you. I'll do anything for you. Just come back to me. Please.
( and I breathe so you'll breathe )
The tendrils around her release their hold just long enough for her to draw close to him. Then they return, wrapping around and them both, taking the fibers of his being and threading them between hers. He's in her, and around her, and through her, the two of them woven into a fabric stronger than either of them could be alone.
( let me stand so you'll stand )
She thought she knew him before, through his speech and actions. What she called 'knowledge' before is nothing compared to this. His every thought, every memory, every secret desire and fleeting emotion--everything he is has been laid bare before her, and she before him, as they are twined together as one.
( with all that I am )
She won't retain all of this when she returns to her body. She couldn't. It's too much for one vessel to hold. But they're going home, together, and that's what matters.
( and I breathe where you breathe )
And then, the weaving is done. The tendrils withdraw; they are no longer needed. The two joined souls need no further assistance to travel the rest of their path.
( let me stand where you stand )
As they push past the barrier, Alyx Vance's world gives way, first to darkness--
( and I breathe so you'll breathe )
( prepare for unforeseen consequences )
( let me stand so you'll stand )
--and then to light.
( with all that I am )

milliways, the interval of darkness

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