Jul 10, 2017 13:46

September 2
I am gearing up to move! Everything needs to go and needs to go now. Whatever I don't sell will be thrown out or donated, so if you want it, GET IT NOW.

Past Announcements
December 21
Ouch. After a hospital stay last week, my wallet is really hurting. I won't be leaving town this Christmas after all, so while I can't guarantee packages will arrive by Christmas (sorry!), I will be shipping all through the holidays!

July 24
Loads of new items have been added, as well as three special deals! Be sure to check them out!

Thanks also to everyone who bought things to help out with the two kittens I rescued! Both are doing very well and are adapting nicely to being around people. If you'd like to see them, here's a picture of them (they were still in quarantine pending FeLeuk tests when I took this, poor babies.).
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